2021年6月17日 星期四

What's happen in 2019 .11.14

Here's one mail about Nov 14,2019

That's the 1st time Earth Crisis. That

just like Bible written" The end of the Earth".

Wish you have the same feeling as I written:


         大熊星座小熊星座Ursa Major + Ursa Minor

Jan 14,2020

Dear Dr. Bliss Schloss,

How are you?

I’d like to introduce you my important role not only from history point of view but in your Universe true happened scene, and made you shocked on seeing that view and had a deep impression. On Nov 14, 2019 You should see a point scene in the sky, just like one Heaven Fire. And at that moment, My related Generation Chinese God 關公(Guan Guang) he jump to sky, and said it was "天火“Heaven Fire” in the heaven. He predicted it’s going to have a big disaster on the earth. And all of sudden, the earth jump out three persons combined into one there’re Hsu Father and Son. Theirs showed up in the air and slide to the earth, to made the land broken, and caused Republic of Bolivia over 40 million citizens dead immediately to the crash down the land as a big hole, from their jump down to the land place. And also happened in the States happened to hurt over 50 millions citizen, and also China over 60 millions citizen hurt, and also in Middle East Combination  Country over 70 million citizens hurt. Through this practice, Hsu Father and Son became Smoke shape, and also President Trump and China Chairman Si  they all smoke body, didn’t know how to make it refix back.

And all of sudden, the 33 Heaven, used all strength to pull back Republic of Bolivia

Land back to original. It’s a big hole, so it took over 10 minutes. It can say those people died in hell and be saved back. And at that moment, whole earth all can heard their voice yelled to heaven “ Big Cloud Buddha” to save them. And also, States, China, Combination Country all. And they all be back.

And later, we saw that Shakymuni jump to the Universe to made the whole Universe all shrank to a very small size. And crash into explore fire. And the earth depressed to very long and narrow shape. All Horoscope all missing, including what we often heard Ursa Major, (大熊星座) Ursa Minor (小熊星座) all disappeared, whole sky all became black only, all stars all disappeared. The scene just like what we saw in movie “the end of earth” , and as Bible described and also yelled by the earth people often in Christ religion. We all felt so scared and didn’t know what to do at that moment.

Because it happened only spent a few seconds, so fast, so big, so board, and made the earth people all shocked and yelled and cried. Only pray to “ Big Cloud Buddha” to save. Some of them, knew it would be effective. So, they prayed.

And the next day, we did see those Shakymuni and Zen Ancestors came down from the heaven didn’t know where they came out from, and all slip down to the ground, said that they all satisfied because they already practiced one full round. And they seemed be accepted back to First Fruit Heaven. All got that record. So, they all from Animal hen became Human Style back . And they all back to ground.

But Shakymuni didn’t left, he still kept next to the scene, kept watch. And at last, he lost through next practiced what he won from First Fruit Heaven human style body. Everything all in vain.

And I was the 33 Heaven to be inherit disciple from Buddhism Shakymuni, as New Buddhism Founder. I was written name in 33 Heaven, to be “大雲佛” in English is Big Cloud Buddha. I was announced to be Shakymuni’s wife, in Buddhism as “Yatsutolo”. So that I have that mission to save whole earth back to the original status. I set the earth and Universe all won’t changed too hard, and changed time back to one day earlier. So that whole earth all pray everything would slow move and move the Universes and Earth all back.

And it did. After time move back earlier, it did move back. And I did write one

Small note into website to comfort whole earth people, below was the content:

Nobel Prize Special Prize Owner 

Big Cloud Buddha write a small note for Earth:

On Nov 16,2019

All earth Citizen your feeling and heart I can

understand, this is my responsibility and 

Burden. I should write this mail earlier to 

comfort your hard to flat body and mind.

Hope you can back, the above.Big Cloud Buddha


I hand this in to Nobel Prize to announce this mail to whole earth people the above message.

I wish you did see it on the Website to prove that earth did happen a disaster.

That’s my evidence in 2019, I wish you can found something in the Satellite, and Universe Observation Center some Scene Record. That’s my relevance recently. If you have any other question, please don’t hesitate to let me know, I’d like to answer your suspicious.

Best regards,

Big Cloud Buddha.

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