2021年6月24日 星期四

America-Mexico Board Special Report

This is Report For President Biden, and also Mexico President Mr. Golden.This is true hand in President’s Hands. Please

Don’t ever try to use other people name to open.

The Report of United States and Mexico Border “Build up Steel Wall” History Record

Report Background

On April 27,2021 Big Cloud Buddha watched TV. to see in America-Mexico border a lot of mexico people & kids line up, ready to immigrant into America. And at that moment, President Biden opened to this border each day 2,000 person limitation for his New Residency. Those people almost over 2,000 people from TV scene. Adult line up and kids within, it's a messy scene.I was so wonder, When I saw this unusual picture.Kept thinking, "why so many people line up over there?immigrant to America from here easier?  Why so many kids get involved? And no blanket to kept their body warm. It' s chilly in their empty place crowded with people. and sleep place seemed very lousy and dark.

And I after watched TV , spoke with 

those kids, to ask them check with

their Grandpa, where's their mother? 

For I can hear his Mom voice to ask them check, they're busy in working 

in the factory to make money.

And later, kids all received Grandpa 

correct message, their Mom is in Mexico, not in America. So, a few 

Minutes later, kids all ran back to Mexico, their Grandpa were too old , 

forgot where's her daughter stay.That's why , when they get the correct message. Kids all disappeared and Adults get the information where to get a new job in Mexico. They like their local town better than immigrants. Because after immigrant they had to face a lot of different environment trouble and also drags or gun business ask them get involved, it's so terrible. That's why when they know had a place to let them stay, they would rather go back instead of immigrant to the States. The above description was from Border Station Policeman Chief Mr. Golder language. Thank you Sir, for your experience, so precious. That's why they back to Mexico side.

All of sudden, within 2 days, America-Mexico border policeman no work to do. Because cannot see any Mexico people in the border any more. And Station also no work to do.

Just 2 days long. Everything all changed. What's the reason? Below 

Report is best Main Reason report:


In 2018 July.

One day incidentally because of I watched TV saw the hijackers from Broad ran into

America film. I asked President Trump,

“How to resolve so many Mexico people like to come Your Country?”

Trump said “ I don’t know. Do you have any good idea?”

“ Why not have some Fend?”

“Good. But what kind of material?”


“Old fashion”

“How about ‘Steel’?””


So, President Trump got this Project conception started to ask a lot of Senators

Idea. They all agreed to have Fend, but made of Steel?

“Out of your mind, that’s too expensive”

“Are you genius? How to pay the budget?”

“ Who can approve it?”

But genius President Trump insisted to make it.


We don’t know how did it got the Senators approved, and how to close the case. We only heard he made it. Besides, beautiful to bring thing happened.


Within that period of time, one time he came to ask me, whether he should keep to ask Parliament to approve the budget, because iint’s real far away too high figure. They just wanted to separate several years to prove it. But “ Trump fired them ‘give me money’, if not no deal”. All Senators. All stood still, they didn’t know how to pass that over several times high figure. It almost cost over US$3 to build up the Fend.i

He has no supporter. He needed someone to discuss. So he found me. He asked me

:Should I keep on doing?” I meant push Parliament to approve the “ Steel Wall” budget?”


So, he told me what’s his suspicious part, Just high over celling figure budget.

And I told him what’s my point of view:

  1. Stand on American side, had Steel Wall, then less prostitute, less drags, less guns import, less money wash, a lot of good benefit.

  2. Stand on Mexico side, They can start to earn investment in their Country, for their

    Land, and labors expense cost down over 50%, it would appeal to a lot of good factory boss change sides to choose their Country. Their income will rapidly

    Increase. And less immigrants want to get involved with Mexico-America Broad

    Yard. Less guard necessary to pay on that part. Less worry about kids or illness would bring back to their Country. It bring Mexico just like a Spring coming.

  3. Investor paradise: To America investors less land and labor expenses and increase

    All kind of products can bring to another Country,, In Mexico, after so many years workers trained in the States, their skill are mature. But less labor expense to a manufactures investors, it may be welcomed place. Besides, less transportation fees had to pay after manufactures well done. It’s an excellent choice to choose

    Mexico as investment place.


    For their climate easy to get used to it, less culture background trouble, less communication trouble, all in all stand on Economic point of view, good benefit

    Hard to count. And stand on immigrant, less different Country climb from broad yard to get inside of America.


    And less guns shot from Force Army, guns business will reduce. Because they had no road to easy through. And less Broad guard expense and less get prostitute business and less mix blood child get birth in illegal way.


    “That’s why President Trump, I stand on your side, don’t worry. You got Heaven support. Your budget will through “ in the end of conversation I added that.


    And after he spoke with Big Cloud Buddha, I watched TV, I did see that Steel Wall real build up step by step. Although not so fast, at least it did get the Country Citizen and most of Parliament Senators support. I did hear it pass.


    This is the Big Cloud Buddha gather speaking with President Trump and also many recent information to write report.


    Below is President Trump memory of speech:

    No return road, only invest in Mexico way, because after building well Steel Wall,

    Only stay in there. Besides, for an investors less taxes from two Country.


    And From President Biden speaking about Mexico President Mr. Golden, he said “Less mix blood child, last year rapidly draft down to 3,000, original 5,000 over.“He said ‘ Mr. President Trump do a good job’ and added President Biden say’ Maybe this year draft to 200. And the year of next year, would be zero”.




    The above report from


    Big Cloud Buddha Foundation

    President Big Cloud Buddha

    Report date: 2021.04.16

    Report place: Taipei, Ton Men.


Execution Result

After Big Cloud Buddha hands in
to President Joy Biden & Mexico 
President Golden this report 

President Biden Provided Big Cloud Buddha

America “ Best Citizen” Metal on May 2021.plus

Donation: US$5,000 million

Copy Right Reserved翻印必究


