2021年6月14日 星期一

Italy B.H.P. Case

Italy B.H.P. Case

Owing to one of my disciple Dharma 
Frangence (Mr. Rucieno Frank Field}
originally, he's Italy Black Hands Party

After 2002-2003 at that moment, called 
Janabuddha met and spoke with Pope 
Paul John , we were very close friends
almost nothing can be our subject.

One night, we talked until midnight, all of sudden, he told me he had several hard to resolve troubles.How should he do? After several seconds, I asked him
" do you hear Black Hands Party before? " "yes" 
"Why not try them?" 
" they'll give you a good response"

Pope is trustworthy person in Europe, that's
why when I control the whole Earth situation, 
I let him control Europe Area.

Let's jump back to recent issue:

1. Italy had one Societe Generale Bank
     and. in 2021, as I knew, Big Cloud Buddha
     interest part all in those 2 head hands.
 2. Big Cloud Buddha plan to build up one 
     Branch in their bank, to use three of 
     their partner relationship. But thing not
     as what Big Cloud Buddha expected smooth.
3. Sometimes, Big Cloud Buddha heard my.                 assistant to complain our interest to be used         in black market.
     And that's black medicine: drag. Besides,               quite a lot of. It hurt our Heaven aims to.             lead people to have a good life, how come it.         became like this way.

At. A period of time, kept long silence with two head Because had no the same subjects. But cannot help to see what's going on to do.

After Heaven receive European People prayer heart issue, Big Cloud Buddha suggested to 
Mr. Rucieno to open one door for people for
"Lend Money Market"  for too many people 
lost job no income. No money to live on.
I told him to lend them EUR 1,000. Kept EUR20
As interest for one week. But one priority, they
got to sign their name with one part-time work 
to pay back. 

It work. They opened the Market. Within 2 days, 
people come to lend money had over 20 cases.
And all succeed to get a part-time work to pay 
back. Within 7 days, 100 cases all out. And closer

Their Young Generation even take Big Cloud .
Buddha suggestion to open 2 courses:

I. To teach read Basic English class: 
One of Father of B.H.P. like to read Novels. I
used him favorite work to teach. It's a workful
way. to teach them. 

2. To teach them sport class. 
To hire one part time "Gym" coach to teach them
how to exercise. Each week open 2 courses. To 
exercise twice times. To make them extra energy
have place to relax. These courses are welcomed.

The Government knew this to open to have 
President meeting chief Mr. Rucieno Frank Field
to provide him Metal. To tell him keep it up to
work. It's a goo

But nobody to tell this conception is from 
whoever.  Even forget to appreciate behind 
have Big Cloud Buddha to support.


1. Lending money in Italy very successful and famous in Young Generation. Including to develop to the States
2.B. H. P. Now become a very diligent place, not like before, full of fighting, arguing, and twistted by other drucken people. We like your way to leading B. H. P., But it seemed not in Ms Susan eyes only.
3. You be metal by President , you forgotten. 
That's it
 The above spoke by President Schloss Generale
On Jun 17,2021. In Italy Mylan.


