2021年6月5日 星期六

What’s Big Cloud Buddha Achievement

What’s Big Cloud Buddha Achievement

According to Noble Prize Special Prize Judge Meeting,

Here’s their Meeting Conclusion:

  1. Top Buddha

  2. The Only Female Buddha

  3. One Generation To Be Buddha

  4. New Buddhism Founder

  5. Alive AMITOFO


And What’s the ture explanation of this 5 Achievement, here’s

Big Cloud Buddha written content:

  1. Top Buddha

    It meant Zen Heaven , Top Heaven Buddha, 33 Heaven Buddha.

    That human can reach extension place.

    That is on Nov 4,2007. At that moment. I fly through from 32 Heaven to 33 Heaven. And I fly two times. The second times,

    I opened whole earth over 2 billions people eyes to be my witness.

    to see me in person fly through scene. And this had recommended

    by Mr. Rucieno Frank Field to UC6LA University Certificate Center.

    And received “ Best Meditator” Certificate.


    And because of this “ 33 Heaven Flyer” achievement, that’s why

    Shakymuni honored me to have “ 大雲佛”“ Big Cloud Buddha”

   This name on Feb 8,2013 in front of.             30,000 Taiwan local disciples.

   And I was certified by Shakymuni to.         be. his wife “Yatsutolo” and he

   Take me as 34 Generation Disciple.              And. he curved “大雲佛” on 33 Heaven.

      2. The Only Female Buddha

      inThe Buddhism Sutra written no.              matter 35 Buddha, 88 Buddha, 3,000.          Buddha, 10,000 Buddha they all Male.       Buddha. Big Cloud Buddha is the only.        Female Buddha. I do appreciate.                  Noble. Prize Judge good job founding.

