To Japan Inheritor list new stastus,Big Cloud Buddha Foundation (BCBF)
Big Cloud Buddha to be BCBF President & New Buddhism Founder suggestion as below:
1. To request Old Emperor what's training sys.
for inheritor. Why had this kind of question?
For New Emperor Naruhito had trouble in
running his period, but this problem just like
"Left hand and Right hand trouble, sometimes
shake with each other, sometimes against
each other, hard to describe how to train
his brother to be in his new inheritor seat
well. That's why count on Old Emperor
to get involved to use old sys. To support
training him to take his own role well.
1. To join Emperor meeting to be host.
2. To host meeting. Whether he did a
good job or not it doesn't matter. Just do!
*** 3. To watch previous meeting record
to learn.
This three point correctly execute a period time.
Then good result will come out.