2021年6月4日 星期五

6.4.2021 記錄












Jun 4, 2021 Record

Today happenrf. 2 things in both China & Taiwan.

i.China General Ming from April 26 started, in Jasmine Green Tea added 3 Medicines, to cause over 5,000 people dead, all because one tea consist drinking 3 days, and dead

ii.     From China General Ming responses to her. 3 months ago, General Ming came to ask one question about Chinese Culture and Big Cloud Buddha answer to him:

Please take good care of Taiwanese only over 1,000 million people. spread over into 8 Billions Chinese people, real cannot see anything, But we know what you don’t understand Chinese Culture. If we all left. Then Traditional Chinese language reading continue problem, that’s not one or two person can resolved.

And later, I found one learning Traditional Chinese root way, it’s to follow the Contrast Method between Traditional & Simplified Chinese. Then it can easily to find the way to learn Traditional Chinese.

And this method, I didn’t expect so good, after 2 months later, China even came back to say that if consistently learning 2 years , no problem. It doesn’t as original so pessimistic. Got to learn from Childhood. That’s why to make him feel lost burden.


General Ming came to ask the question reason was: he found in China they pass the Culture Way is through Oral language. Not through written language. That’s the point he’s so worried. What before can Read “written Language” people all get old, or dead. So, he’s so worried whether the Culture transfer to young Generation part cannot catch up. In Chinese Culture very important part, its’ Written Culture to express what’s Main Conception.

it meant in China nobody can read the written Culture. so he had a this heart issue to come to visit me. Thank God, Thank Heaven, we’re lucky to find a good way to know how’s letter transform way. So that it’s easy for Chinese people to find the way to learn traditional Chinese written Word. And stop his worry.






