2023年8月6日 星期日

Related Chung Tai Temple Issue


Related to Chung Tai Temple issue

It's about 2023/08/06 Sunday Teaching disciples, we had a Subject related to Taiwan Chung 

Tai Temple issue.

It certified by Taiwan Inspector Chief Chiu Shien Shen on 2023/07/23 in North. Middle. South 3 Parliament Basement to have a over 2 hours long Speech Announcement with Big Cloud Buddha together. 


Dear Chiu Shien Shen, dharma peace,

It is heard that Top Chief Inspector He Shien Shen was gone.

From now on, we only can count on Inspector Chiu related Chung Tai issue. 

It was heard that Inspector Chiu according to my blog open Chung Tai temple meeting & location, you had 3 times meeting speech today.

Blog News:

North: Taipei Parliament Basement at 9:00a.m.2023/07/23

To meet 700 Chung Tai. disciples

report the original process. But I didn't be adviced. So I missed.

Middle: Tai Chung Parliament Basement at 14:00p.m.2023/07/23

I was introduced by you.

And also 10 Inspectors worked with Top Chief Inspector He each opened 53 Dead Certificate to meet 700 disciples 

South: KaoShiung Parliament Basement at 19:00 2023/07/23

To meet 700 disciples together 

On 2023/07/23 all of sudden became one day 3 meeting.

Original I already plan to pay the location rental. So that please open invoice register number 37495124 for me. I would pay you back. 

The above.

Beat gregards,

Big Cloud Buddha


What's wrong the Chung Tai Temple? 

1.Seperate into 4 cataloge for Inspector as a information:

  1. Accident

  2. Self Suicide

  3. Quarrel

  4. Medication dead

          And seperate into 

          4 months. ?

          3 months. ?

          2 months.  ?

          1 months.  ? 

That's why it's very easy to managed the cases. Total 89 pcs case+ 1660 pcs case = 1749 pcs cases. And each 20 Inspector had to open 53 pcs Dead

certificate. That were overload work. Hard to take. Including ship from outsides of Canada Center total 36 Dead cases in their Cargo shipment to investigate.over 3 days had  3 Inspectors had to work in the Airport to check one by one and open same Dead Certificate.

