2023年8月13日 星期日


 New Born Baby Execution 


At that day morning, in Mackay Hospital Nursery room happened one incredible thing that's changed the whole Earth.

That moment was Dr.Chiang in this hands had one case, that new born baby just 600gm , 5 months, breath very weak, and almost abandon. And her mother kept saying " save her" please. That's why Big Cloud Buddha 

told Dr. Chiang tried to use "Oxygen Machine" through baby fing0er to test her " how's the percentage". And read" 50%" immediately, Big Cloud Buddha told Dr. Chiang to use Nursery Baby Oxygen Mask to let her breath Oxygen. So he did what's she suggestion. And it took quite long. For she's so small. And after 2 hours long. It that moment. NTU student Liu Shen chin coming. He saw what the new born baby was in the baby Warm box. And Big Cloud Buddha remind Dr. Chiang to feed her with Vitamin B complex. So that after feeding. The baby heart beat steady 60. And breath smooth. The cheek was red. Look very pretty. Because she's the 1st succeed examples. So Dr. Chiang yell so loud every place. Tell each place how to use this 3 steps. He's so excited. And so happy. And keep saying 5 months even good. Not?to mention. Other months will be succeed. That's why with one by one case all succeed. And passed whole Earth. With 24 hours. 2022/08/16 is a worth celebration day. For Every New Born Baby all alive.

The above can certified by Dr. Chiang Mu Shin MacKay Hospital 

Feminine Department Doctor.

And the other witness is NTU Medicine Department students 

Liu Shen Yin.

Result report:

Dr. Chiang Mu Shin MacKay Hospital ( 馬偕醫院江慕欽)

Feminine Department Doctor

BCBF BIG CLOUD BUDDHA FOUNDATION provided 100,000 for his good job. And excellent yelling to make whole thing within 24 hours whole Earth all can use the same steps. On 2022/08/16 no more Zero birth rate. It's a good record.

NTU Student Liu Shen Yin(劉昇殷) on 2023/07/16 passed away because of car accident. BCBF BIG CLOUD BUDDHA FOUNDATION

provided him hard work bouns 50,000. For before he was a Volunteer often opened his own pocket to print

Pregnant Card for Feminine Department Doctor to remind mother to taken Vitamin B complex

to grow their baby body health.

Wish their parents proud of his good contribution to those Ma & kids before in his temporary work.

