2023年8月11日 星期五

Big Cloud Buddha suggest to use male condom instead of female aboortion


2023/08/11. condom Day 

Received Abortion 50 States donation to President Biden for his execution very fast. To make those selling male condom machine every place very convenient.

50 States appreciate Big Cloud Buddha to very good suggestion to resolve absortion trouble. And including to make  law to stop abortion issue thoroughly. 

Actually. This is resolve thing from different gender only. Because to have a baby is two gender issue. If not through female part, then through male part.

Besides, if use Condom, it well be easier to forbid it happen to get preganat. So that to use male wear condom is more convenient. And also more faster. Instead of after pregnant to have abortion.

That's why resolve a ' ABORTION' STRIKE & MAKE LAW TO STOP ACTION. very smooth solute. And every generation all accept.

Big Cloud Buddha found I real get involved to live with America Citizens so long. Just think it over how to make you take this advice . take quite a long time. Without times up, everything all croweded. And cannot stand. So push Big Cloud Buddha to open mouth to speak my own suggestion to you all. Wish each one of AMERICA Citizen had a good partner life. And also enjoy to have a new born baby.

Suggestion date: 2023/07/05

Donation appreciate date: 2023/08/11

