2021年5月4日 星期二

WCIA report Part II

World Climate Influence Association

Chairman Dr. John Steel

WCIA Report - C

Report by Big Cloud Buddha Foundation

                   President Big Cloud Buddha



Related Big Cloud Buddha WCIA- A Report

Below is Big Cloud Buddha Suggest:

The main Reason to collect the below report,

Is to check whether “Air Machine” –

To use one Electric Fan Conception is Correct or not.

And below is the report direction:

  1. Wind Blow:

  1. Please pile up each Country Broadcast Center each report to see whether it’s correct wind direction in each season or not.

  2. Wind speed

  3. Wind speed report, comparison with previous report, if Broadcast Center had

  4. Wind blow enough to clean the air pollution from local environment factory. How’s the smell .

  1. Rain Coming:

  1. Rain coming Intensive, how often

  2. How’s the previous report, can chase back to how long ago. After 6 months

    Pile up those figures.

  3. Humidity report, wet or dry, in human feel is wet or dry, and also land wet or dry.

  1. Warm Room Environment Report:

  1. Iceberg melt speed report

  2. North Pole Temperature & South Pole Temperature Report, within 6 months,

    If we can pile up those previous figure.

    Comparison with recent 3 months observation. How’s the development

  3. Ocean Temperature Report: Previous 6 months report, comparison with recent

    Several days, within 6 days report. Fish alive status.

    d.River Report: How’s the temperature changed. Fish alive status.

  1. Animal in Africa growth report, q’ty and growth, and death report


The above each item, Big Cloud Buddha Foundation President Big Cloud Buddha

Combine with 3 Countries Leader to work

On this Subject. We donate the same Amount

Each US$500 million / each 6 months.

Each Report got to well prepare several Copy to Those Sponsors. That’s it.


Sponsors list as below:

Big Cloud Buddha Foundation

President Big Cloud Buddha

America President Biden

Russia President Puti

Japan Prime Minister 菅義

The above

Copy Right Reserved 翻印必究

