2021年5月15日 星期六


They used human had strong desire to know about invisible world in meditation. They paid a lot of money as donation, incl. body donation, All for they didn’t know anything about invisible world at all. So, it made the world seemed very strange. To chase violence way to solve human problem. Actually, just small task, it all became a big deal. Including to say hello to each other, to use jump, or to hit each other, or very strange way to treat. That became a social community way of talk method. And it increased people misunderstood kind and warm hush, all of sudden, all became very violence. And other thing were people started to use other method to think of each other, If you cannot do the same thing you communicate with, then you’re out of generation. That’s why it became a modern way in community. Everyone all paid donation to learn something you don’t know anything at all. But the teacher you even don’t know where are they from, they just introduce you they’re somebody’s disciples. And it became a group of unknown anything about Tibet religion, or learn very less, simply practice in dramatically called “request” people to teach. That’s a very dangerous action. And why you had to learn they called “meditation”, what aim, what future. No idea at all. No teaching at all. Just practice their request. Why had to pay so much money to learn something you don’t want to learn. Just for catch up the neighborhood necessary subject to speak with. It’s a very dangerous action for beginner. Learning meditation, all had a result. No matter good or poor. It got to know what’s your aim. What’s your chasing for. If not you probably would chase to slide. It’s a dangerous action, just see what’s China Chairman Si, what’s his practice “only one request” , and next to the practice, how poor result it would be. We cannot predict it’s future yet. But we guess it won’t be good. But it’s beginning, in his conception, just practice “ One Request” so simple only. Take this example, that’s why for beginner, got to take it very be careful thinking: i. What’s your aim ii. What’s your future iii. What’s your master iv. What’s your vow v. What’s your result after practice. No matter what it is, before you take some action, you got to think it over again and again. Don’t just do and regret. It would be too late.

How to resolve?
I. Take those black money back.
ii. Seperate into 2 parts
iii 50% keep for yourself
IV. 50% do the charity tasks for Enfant Yuan,
      Oldie Yuan, Blind people, Deaf kids
      Education. And so on.
v.  Try to speak with yourself, deep reflection.
     To ask why had to do this before. Keep ask 
     Why? Until cry and cry again and again.
     Just do. Until you feel regret less. 

VI. Recite 
       NAMOAMITOFO 10 times
vii. Speak
        We respect Big Cloud Buddha
        We love Big Cloud Buddha 
        We honor Big Cloud Buddha.
.       End.

viii. Thank you Big Cloud Buddha .  
        Show us. West World oath.
        We love West World 
        We love AMITOFO..

