2021年5月10日 星期一

WCIA Donation Usage Direction

 1,500million WCIA Sponsors donation saved in Swiss Bank , earn each half year US$600,000

Used in below direction:.

  1. Space man in NASA Center.3 Team retired from the space work, be used to join in this work . Original they just 2 person. Now 6 persons all join.and seperate into 3 team each control each item as:

  2. a. Wind

b. Rain

c. Warm Room Environment

            Occupy their salary 50%salary 

            30 m.

  1. Network from space man report

: to analysis those chart or figure

  meaning. "Chart or figure Reader "

It is what we called this Professors.

(Now we know Spacemen found related

Professors 60 persons to join in)

  1. Film : related film, provided by 

NASA Earth Observation Center.

If they find something worth to view.

            Or from TV broadcast or researchers.

       That's it.


Resource from:

Big Cloud Buddha Foundation

President Big Cloud Buddha

Execution Report:

NASA 5 ex Spaceman name liat:

1. Dr. Schloss Goods

2. Dr. Tim Slight

3. Dr. Georgia Mane

4.Dr. Liu Shy Shen

5. Dr. Chi Wen Shen

If you have interest in visiting NASA Observation Center,

welcome to speak with them, to ask them what would you like to know about more Universe.


