2021年5月15日 星期六

New Buddhism


New Buddhism


New Buddhism Is New Heaven & New Hell

Builder called New Buddhism Founder

It is Big Cloud Buddha


Who she is?

Big Cloud Buddha is 33 Heaven TopAchievement Creater

Top Buddha

Central Buddha


New Buddhism had New Vows to assist its New Heaven & New Hell.

What’s New Vows?

  1. No Cheat, No Lie

  2. No Steal

  3. No Mix sleep with 3,4,5,6, People, Only sleep with 2. We support marriage

  4. Less drink of wine, Don’t be drunk Driver,

    If not, cannot come to West World

  5. Love your Country

  6. Clean Your Body, deep meaning, Clean your Heart

  7. Don’t speak ill of others

  8. No kill


New Buddhism chase how to reach Heaven,

In your alive generation:

To be a good in language. Good in Action, Good in thinking person.

To be a long life chaser. To be a healthy body


To be a charity task worker.

Most important of all, like to be as one Good



Heaven and Hell distinguish very well. Chasing direction fixed, then never changed, then we can support that person to be Wemoge.


To be Wemoge had to do the follow things:

  1. To be Big Cloud Buddha disciple

  2. To be New Buddhism, Amitofo disciple

  3. To be Big Cloud Buddha assistant, and

    Helper. But forbid do in the Middle Way

    Then betray, and became Human’s Hell

    Another killer.

  4. Like to be All Kind of Bodhisattva.

  5. To know about what Big Cloud Buddha

    Background, and want to chase like her

    Way to be Bodhisattva or helper God. Like to be a West World chaser. Like to recite NAMOAMITOFO. Like to be a Beautiful

    Cloud, and one of the twinkle Star.

    First thing: welcomed to be West World disciple.


    How to be Big Cloud Buddha disciple

    Though Refugee Ceremony

    Big Cloud Buddha will help you to clean

    Your guilty away. TO help you to pile up

    Your future Spiritual in your language.

    Thinking; and Action.So that got to be

    Through Compassion Mantra Ceremony.

    To help. That’s the Basic Step.







