2021年5月26日 星期三

I explain why it had to hangin so long over 5 hoirs long ...

 May 27,2021

According to April 2021 from TV News,

 India got into Second Run 

COVID 19 Wave. 

The New Change COVID -19,Virus seemed very strong, and very changeable. very easy to spread to new got attacked patients.

In India, Gange River is the main water source for India people. If it's polluted Then the result cannot imagine.

When it started.to have new patients ,I tried to think how to resolve this Second Wave situation, and found several key points as below:

**1. Gange River: 

To provide India people main water usage 

River, if it's not clean, then the whole Country stayed in Dirt Recycle.

**2.Change water usage to shipment in  from outside of India, in order to keep the Whole Country can away from COVID-19

Second Wave attacked.

**3. To order shipment from Package Plastic Liter Water Corporation from 5 Country:Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore.

From the first beginning order from UN 

Big Cloud Buddha Foundation. in UN

sponsored team kind assistance to calculate how much total for 13 Billion

so big Country need how many bottle of water. It's a big task. And found total 

Controlled within US$3,500,000.*10 Total Q'ty:

300 *10 million Package Water / each day. 

This is very difficult to control well task. But we made it.This Counting is from Modi through Big Cloud Buddha correct done.

And later, India Government hands in to use the same Order Format to get involved as a routine work. It's our proud of work

Within, had UN President Mr. Genorado a touch Country Representative Speech to piled up total 74 兆 Donation, simply to work for brotherhood and sisterhood., not ask for anything in return. .

**4. Wash Hands Icon & Wear local Neckt€ie 2 layers instead of "Mask"

To easy and reduce Virus attacked body 

way is " To Wash Hands"&" To wear Mask"

And this 2 things now in India all do very good.Of Course Big Cloud Buddha to use

local people accepted style is a very important key points.

To ask them now all changed to "Mask."They passed that period 

**5. River side Clean Environment 

It's the River side had a lot of throw 

over people dirty stuff got to have one Clean Team to work. UN paid US$10/ each hours

for their Clean worker. Within 7 hours kept chasing where's the dirt stuff. At last 

all clean. I'm very proud of Clean Team hard work. And done a good job. Without their keep it up work, then India Gange River+Side hard to have a Fresh Air.

And within 7 hours clean throw over stuffs environment issue, it happened one small story, that real made us shock: Big Cloud Buddha wait until 12 hours long showed up, "the first thing is to explain why hanging in over 5 more hours long didn't clean reason, it's got to  pileㄌ up enough strength and wind to blow dirt smell  to Ocean , so that it can make sure Fresh Air Again. That's true. After her used request 2 minutes later Air fresh again.it's so amazing! " Dr. John Scott

her Honor Cambridge University Professor said.

**6.The floating body Clean & Bury

 in Gange River total: 51 body

 We needed local people to help to move them out . Thank You Land God, we found one Team Chief: Dict Hu , he contact local people to help us to do clean Floating Body Work well.

As our Research Report: 

River Top:  6 body (Hinsu-Hesu)

Center: 30 body ( Sensiechia-Chiashen)

Tail : 21 body ( Gushen-Gushen).

We planned to walk into river center to use hook to stop them and to make those body easy to take on the Ground. And later, we hired team members to dig a hell to put those body in and flat mud.then solute

US$30/each case .

One Floating body and add 4. People to pull it. Close to river side, took it up to the ground, 

Total: 236 people 

.This is the true report in India Case.

The end had to add one" tear "story.

That's our helper: Mr. Dict Hu6 and this team total  6 persons all passed away. After they finished their work for floating dead body.

They dig one hole for each one of them and 

Total 50 persons all done well.

That's Big Cloud Buddha Foundation want to pay their family members US$1,000( to add US$400)

To show us respect to their work. And Big Cloud Buddha will send them to West World to make people know their contribution to India Citizen.

And Government accept Big. Cloud Buddha suggestion to curved their story in one Stone to stand on Gange River side.to memorize down what's their contribution. work to India.

What's important for the Gange River port is to estimate how to clean River back to all According to River speed to know how long it can reach Ocean. That count on 5 Spaceman to join to observe . And it take 21 days. Now it's 

June 08 already done.. River Clean ! 

Work Finished! 

