Below are question. From my English Book"Religion. Case" 傳承故事 in China version "Tibet Case" from readers after their reading, they write mails to express their questions:
1. What's do you think about Tibet religion teaching , what's their background? What's their basic conception? What do you want to tell us?
2. What's their disaster ? What do they create? What's their influence ?
3. What do you think in their religion? Do you like ? Or why don't you like?
I. Tibet religion teaching through my own language from their traditional book
"Lamrin" "菩提道次第廣論 "宗喀巴 teach:
Three level of disciples:
The First level
The Second level
The Third level
In His Lotus God. teaching seperate disciples into
3 levels. The above were his levels.
Usually, people all be treated as the Third level
That's normal people, keep recite SIX TANTRA
Their Ceremony usual very luxury. For they learned from Master be taken as "Dharma King".
If you had joined their Pouring Ceremony before
then it would through a lot of gate. Or grade.
But now, they came back from hell, their teaching
only oral language. Not gate or grade from Sutra.
Because their God all out from Heaven, not is it,
Cannot protect Ceremony, they only teach their
practice daily life. Through their meditation,
see their scene,all dark,cannot see very clean and clear.usual practice to hurt people organ or hands or feet. Besides, hurt not only one, usual 60 or
60 million.Never teach protect self, all used for