2021年4月13日 星期二

A Friend case


Dear Ms Betty Joyce,.

How are you?

I'd like to advice you that Mr Sunny Wayne 

in Syria. He was shot to death. Cannot fulfill

his retire plan.

As I knew, you did help him to send him one ticket to the Airport, when I found it's in dangerous condition. I asked him wrote mail on Urgent request to send him a ticket right away leave this Country. So did this to their colleagues.

And on the way to get into airplane, everyone

all smooth to get in, and all of sudden, one Big shot directly shot to him. And he got shot sent to the hospital was useless.

And I respect Mr. Sunny Wayne, he's a reporter. And peaceworker and missioner.

He worked in Syria 2 yearpeaceworketr Journalist reporter. His work is full of dangerous. can see the war field often in front of this eyes.

And when he ask me to apply for him to retire

condition, his body already got weak, breath not very good condition. And as I knew, his body just passed by some serious fight.

Now, he scarifies for America Country ,I felt so terrible, For he worked. In this line for  over16 years and never abandon his brave role to be a reporter.  Although he is a solider, but with this experience, his brave had this background.

We wish we can speak for him to work for this Country to be a peacework missioner

for 16 years long, and at last sacrified.himself

in his back to America to reach his retired

Life. What a life. May we provide him some 

Contribution Award for his Hard Work in Several Countries that kind of War field to be Reporter so long. May I suggest to make him 

to have a special Reward in this Funeral

to cover A Country Flag in this KOFFIN.  That's Big Cloud Buddha heard a lot of Citizen opinions to say this, and wish this can touch Government Controllers heart to prove this.

Big Cloud Buddha is to be "Best Citizen Metal" owner.

That's it.

Best regards,

Big Cloud Buddha

