2024年2月28日 星期三

Related News about BYD Fire News



China Chung Shin Electricity Plant, Sun Tung Shien found their record be used 21 times and caused different dead people record as what's wrtten,

1000 volt dead people qty as below: 


Total 11 times

Dead people qty not the same.

This was Musk used record caused in 2024/02/26-2024/02/28 record in China for you information.

He used High Volt Electricity to kill China people to caused them to dead.

When they used recharge the applicance in the house,

after 2 second, all of sudden , fire 

shoot to user people to caused them to be fired to dead. Even now , still over 500 people cannot find their soul body in Hell Officer place, because its dead was shoot to use Strong High Volt. 



Add by Shakymuni & Big Cloud Buddha report,

We had to say that Musk add in concentration in usage a lot of Witch under ground came, the figure closed to 400 million , and after fire disaster caused Chinese people death happen then it would be Fa Lung Kung up to the ground

to replace the dead people body.

In the earlier cases in UAE & total 10 Country ; except South Korea , had Musk investment Factory side we found 7591 figure people dead all young man dead.

They all dead be found very strange gesture. Hands back. And not struggle, but breathe less. But blood be sucken. Until Buddha Master Big Cloud Buddha used request to stop them.

They all be sucken blood to America

