2022年1月27日 星期四



For Afghan Citizen Urgent Food Action

Background :

"Why had to join stranger Country Citizen work ?
Not for fame? Not for work so that works?"
Just heard and saw Afghan Mothers hunger for food, and panic for finding no food can eat, because if she cannot find anything to eat, then she's worried her kids faced no chest milk to feed. Then, kids faced hungry. She feel so worry and crying And this not only one or two cases. It's a lot. So that Big Cloud Buddha cannot stand out from the situation like nothing happen. And decide to get involve to help.

Estimate 32,777,000 Citizen, estimate

One bag flour can feed one person for two month

Over 700,000 kids half bag 

Suggest import 533,333bags/day



296 factory*90= 26,640

From Vietnam

273 factory*90=24,840

From Taiwan

100 factory×94=9,400 

From Japan

900 factory ×90=81,000

 From America

300 factory × 900 =270,000

From Canada

1,000 factory × 940 =940,000

Total from. 6 Country

Q'ty: 1,351,880 bags




To add 10,000,000 for oil make-up for Army flight


Army flight : 10 fight

Local -2




Execution important point:

1.How fast each Country can push those factory to carry to Airport Stockhouse to wait for America Flight to take?

2. How's the Afghen Country can gather how many Car drivers to carry those Flour Bag to Citizens hands? Can they hire young Drivers to carry the farest distance City ? Thank you for Japan Old Emperor concern to remind this point.

3. Also, please remind those Drivers, got to take a rest for 20 minutes when drive 4 hours long.. Don't forget your long distance drive will make your feet became stick feet and forget step on brake stepper feeling. That would be a dangerous driving, Especially drive to turn left or right direction. Don't forget to take a rest.



Afghen Case

BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation paid money to encourage each Country to join Flour Bag to Afghen case Each bag to add 0.5 dollars.

And also donate 1,000,000 for Army for Using Army flight to ship Afghen Foods Case.



296 factory*90= 26,640


From Vietnam

273 factory*90=24,840


From Taiwan

100 factory×94=9,400 


From Japan

900 factory ×90=81,000


 From America

300 factory × 900 =270,000


From Canada

1,000 factory × 940 =940,000


Total from. 6 Country

Q'ty: 1,351,880 bags


To pay one time to encourage join the Afghen case : 675,940


1,351,880bag × 0.5=675,940


To add 1,000,000 for oil compensation for Army flight to support Afghen Country. Each year 6-7 times flight. We support oil expense.


On Jan 28,2022
Canada already through America 3 flight to ship those 940,000 Bag Flour to Afghen Country. Resolved the urgent 
FOOD Action.

Big Cloud Buddha can hear Afghan Country Citizen laugh and joyful yell.

After having meeting with Religion team, we thought too much money drill into one Country , it seemed too strange. So that we decide to change support budget only keep in one time
And later, just keep concern only. No 
use money. 

So the budget reduce to be 675,940
But keep the AMERICA ARMY OIL DONATION. for support ship Afghan Country Citizen Food through America Army Flight. Each year 1,000,000.

Now, changed to support one year long
It meant total 6 times. The same amount support 6 times.
And Air flight to ship flour bag to Afghan, we donate US$500 million
to support , except oil expense US$100 million. Other seperate into 2 parts
: one is for pilot, one is for their colleuges Soldiers to share.

The Third Party Eyes
Stand on the third party point of view, we would provide Big Cloud Buddha an applause. Because the whole case only spend 3 hours to complete. It's so efficient. 


New shipment News: 
In 2023, from 6 Country to Afghan changed shipment from aircraft to ship. From each Country port to Afghan Julia Port. That's it. Add on 07/24/2022 

2022年1月25日 星期二







2.黃國瑜29% *23%


4.柯文哲24% *30%


6.盧秀燕40% *40%





為了能把握時間挑選出適合的人選,決定 下午2:00以一人發表5分鐘政見,簡短的方式報告重點

英國新王朝意見British New Emperor Case

British Poll Research Report Case



Honorable Master Big Cloud Buddha

Big Cloud Buddha Foundation President

& New Buddhism Founder

Age: 64


Since British Queen passed away all of sudden, Prince Bruce ready to take her seat, but whether British Citizen welcome to held the Ceremony or not, it's everybody concern question, so that have this Research Helper Report:

 1. Do you like British had a New Emperor?

Research Helper 60% No.

2.Do you like Prince Bruce to inherit British Queen seat?

Research Helper 50% Yes.

3.Do you like to be a Royalty family Citizens?

Research Helper 90% Yes.

4. Do you like British recent environment Status? i.e. A.Condition: out from Euro Union, B. Condition: COVID-19 later Economic condition, C Condition: religious direction.?

A. Condition: 60 % No.

B.Condition: 60% Yes.

C Condition: 50% No.

5. Do you agree to accept British Royalty System for good ?

Research Helper: 6% No., 90% Yes.

6.Do you favor Prince Bruce recent marriage status?

Research Helper 50% unknown. 50% Yes.

7.How do you like British Queen? Deep love her? Average love her? Which one is your favorite one? 

Deep love her 0% 

Average love her 60%


8.How do you think inheritor William Prince? Do you like their family? 

Research Helper hard to tell 6%

Love 50%

Small inheritor Grandson 60%

9.Do you love yours to be British Country Citizen? 

Research Helper 70% Yes.

10. Do you like to be requested to change Your recent religion intention? Not original British Cathedral, Become NAMOAMITOFO disciples? I meant New Buddhism style.

Research Helper yes.. 60%

From this Research Report, we suggest :Prince Bruce you may held Your Upmote Seat Ceremony. Your Citizen seems very welcome Your Royalty family exist.

 New Buddhism is welcomed in British.

2022年1月21日 星期五

Russia & Ukraine Case Part iii

 Subject: Russia & Ukraine Case Part iii

Do Russia Citizen accept



Honorable Master Big Cloud 


BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation

President & New Buddhism Founder

Age: 64 years old.

Education: Graduated from Fu Jen University German Department

Nationality: Taiwan

After 3 Times agreement Contract to be peacefully combine with Ukraine ,no matter oral or by pen, both 2 places Citizens all anxious to know how's their opinion difference? That's in Russia

Puti heart thinking.

Big Cloud Buddha according to 33 Heaven hears Russia Puti. prayer. He keep saying

What can I do?

I dont know whether Russia People like this combine or not?

What can I do?

Did anyone can help me to know?

I just want to know how's situation?

And here's according to his prayer to create Poll Research.

Here it is Poll Question Big Cloud Buddha to have

Poll Research Helper to know their opinion, how's Russia Citizen thinking :

1. Do you like Ukraine people?

Through Helper : 90% say yes.

2.Do you accept Ukraine combine with Russia, it meant New Russia Country?

Through Helper : 90% say yes.

3.Do you think President Puti agree to without arms to combine with Ukraine?

Through Helper : 95% yes.

4.With NATO and Big Cloud Buddha and NBC TV Reporter Mr. Goods to be the Third Party to protect your both places combined into one, Do you think it will be a good decision? 

Through Helper : 100% say yes.

5.Will you be kind to treat Ukraine Citizen after they work together with you? 

Through Helper : 80% say yes

6.Will you agree to accept Ukraine Citizen pay the same Tax level as Russia Citizen do? 

Through Helper : 90% say yes

7.Will you travel to Ukraine place? Although it's cold weather? Or will you welcome Ukraine Citizen move into Russia place to do business with you?

Through Helper : 89% say yes

8.If you join Ukraine Citizen life, what option you would be first choose?

A. Ballet

B. Food

C. Language & Culture

 D. Travel

Through Helper :





9.Do you agree Ukraine become one of Politic Party of Russia? And had their own Chairman or Chief?

Through Helper : 90% say yes.

10.Do you accept Ukraine female to marry Russia male or exchange to have a big family? 

Through Helper : 100% say yes.

Completed Poll Research successfully.

Jan 21,2022 in Taipei, Don Men. Taiwan

Execution Result :

This Poll Research Result to make Ukraine Citizen put their stone down. And willing to response " Marry me? Or dead?" ask Puti.

Ukraine 100% say Yes.and happily to

say "Yes, I do" 


And Big Cloud Buddha with NATO Happily to announce Two places Citizens

"Congratulations! "You become a Big Family. Increase Tax income. Also a lot of New Citizen. Only pity in President Couple Mr.and Mrs. John Steve. We should close our eyes for them for 10 seconds.May they both " Rest in peace"


This is a Good Prayer Result.This is NATO Chief Mr. John Stood read face book of Jana Liao ( Janabuddha .Original name ,now Big Cloud Buddha) written pray content and speak the same:

No Tank, No Gun, No Bulletin

Only Peace. It's' a Miracle.

Thank You , Honorable Master

Big Cloud Buddha your doing.

Saih by Your disciple Dr. Scott Steel.

Execution Result:

Despite of Russia & Ukraine two places Citizens Poll Research Report Fact in front of everybody faces, we did find Russia tank attack to Ukraine land just come and go already 2 times in Jan 23, 25. And the same day back to their place. And run to Ukraine again.

And Russia attacked Ukraine caused over 737 people dead and over. 60 house carsh, and that were buy Big Cloud Buddha on the ground. to let CNN shouted what Her Incredible Hands from Heaven Team made , to flat this record. It meant

No Happen. And both sides only written: Ukraine 6 persons dead, one house crash, And Russia 1 Tank

spoiled and 1 soldier dead.Both all felt excellent balance."One Citizen said "we dead less, they also" that's what they said balance.This is False Scene. Untrue. Cheat record.

What CNN Reporter Mr. John Stove taken is very precious evidence to this war . "For 737 people did in hell over 3 hours long, without Big Cloud Buddha to use 天雲變色法 "to Change Cloud Heaven color incredible dharma" including 737 people dead in hell and crash 60 houses all back.to make everything changed back. 737 people even said they died in hell 3 hours long. How to cheat.CNN Mr. Stove said " 3 hours battle within 7 minutes changed it back"

Ukraine Dr. George Still to be asked to response about "Marry me. Or dead" 
And this word be seen in the TV broadcasting. That' s why every body all had deep impression. And previous response " Yes I do. "
That's why after discussion 4 years long 
combined together period changed. to be
2 years long. And now, moreover, changed to be 1 year long.

And NATO stay in 24 hours only. On Jan 24-25. And ran back to Euro at. 6:00 on Jan 25. After Big Cloud Buddha be invited to be meeting of Sign Agreement Contract partners. We don't understand why so rude decision by Russia Puti, he did invite. And later regret. And now.

Now, after Ukraine be attacked,

May we ask Puti used Big Cloud Buddha & Heaven Helper to get the correct Russia Citizen information. But still done what's he want to do? Who made the last decision? If without NATO or Heaven Big Cloud Buddha Correct Protection. We don't know how to make both places Citizens happy to work together. Or combine together. Russia, dont forget,Ukraine didnt without army soldiers. You are the same blood people, their fight skill won't lose yours. But they always show their nice and kind faces sides to you. Why don't think to abandon your selfish and no aim fight ?

Why don't collect your gun less, to use your hand shake with each other instead of? Don't make your offspring laugh in the future, say: No fight , No acqutance. In chinese不打不相識。 But every Country think since the same blood. Enough !This is on Jan 20,2022

Last Decision made by Russia President Puti:

I accept the results. I take the conclusion.

"He add: Good Result" and 不打不相識"

We know Puti

He read Chinese. That's why he what he said.'

he accept Good result, he take, No fight, No acqutance. (But on Feb 5,2022 he did say he cheat)

According to Heaven 5 Pen God Special arrangement for Big Cloud Buddha for

Russia & Ukraine. Case Part i ,ii ,iii

Excellent job good result, they through

those Metal Prize donars hands got the below


Adviced from President Puti below Ceremony:


Russia Reward Peace Big Metal Prize.( already done)


Peace Marker Prize from NATO Big Metal Prize

From: NATO Chief Mr.John Stood recommended

Changed to Jan 30,2022. ( I took but didnt have Ceremony)


Swiss Peace Marker Metal Prize

From: ex Ukraine President Mr. John Steve recommended ( already done)


Nobel Peace Maker Prize:

From: British Cambridge University Dr.Steven Scott recommended.( not have )

Will have each place Newspaper print

Small Photo and story

That's My good disciple urge each place to do and they will do.

On Jan 28,2022 Russia Puti hanged me A Russia Big Peace Gold Metal Prize in my neck.And take a Group photo with Mr. Stood. NBC Reporter Mr. Goods. And also indepently to take a Metal photo with Russia Puti. This did print in British. On Jan 30,2022. 泰晤士報 The SundayTimes.written Big Cloud Buddha did a excellent work.and that's up had one one photo for Russia and Big Cloud Buddha after hanged on Russia Peace Gold Metal Prize.This photo was NATO gave it to them.

Jan 28,2022

After 01.28 Russia Peace Metal Prize from Russia President Puti hands.

The same day, We didnt expect he still attack Ukraine border again. Without Ukraine Citizen big yell to make Heaven to stop Russia action. I do wonder what's in Puti mind his plan? I feel confused.

This attacked film also be shot on CNN Cameraman Mr. John Stove recording. After seeing his 01252022 Record recording, all witness all sigh ' she's Janabuddha no doubt, her big hands still can see. We be educated from her. "They will automatically let You See" that's the reason why'

On 01252022. Film" The incredible part is: Russia Soldier spent3 hours to attack Ukraine battle, Big Cloud Buddha used 7 minutes to solute. " said Mr. Stove, CNN Cameraman.

And On Jan 28,2022 Whole scene was a Big Incredible Cloth everything all wrabbed it in. Until Feb 5 2022, according to Scient Protectors counting 60 tanks to crash over 100 House. And caused over 9,000 people wounded or dead , all grabbed in. It's within 3 seconds all missing. And Russia Tank turned their head to run back to their


Jan 26,2022

One thing happened which shocked all Russia & Ukraine Citizen.Russia Puti did to mislead by his ex

Wife to suicided Big Cloud Buddha. And Big Cloud Buddha was protected back by Buddha dharma. And made those soldiers and General got mad with Puti action and to use gun to suicide him. And Puti dead very fast. Those 70 Chief Genenral and soldiers were killed by Big Cloud Buddha. They were the first team accepted Puti ordered and refused to suicide action. But be killed by 2nd team. This were first Team. General spoke: Puti .

was that kind of person. After completed shoot them to dead. And he used one stone 2 birds method to suicide Big Cloud?Buddha and 1st team Chief General and soldier. So cruel. And felt heart and blood cold.

All dead too. This is a tragedy. All from Puti took his ex wife language.We cannot say anything. Because original after Ukraine case succeeded, Bolodisa three small Country. also will through this kind of peace way to join New Russia Country. But now, everything became unknowen. Although we heard in Hell one small voice said he did " it's. Gorbachev"

We found through Russia Puti hands , Gorbachev ,

one ex President CCCP Souviet. Puti made this decision to make his wish come true. Gorbachev push him for years to provide him. Strong hint: he , meant Gorbachev talked to him " he want his CCCP Souviet land. Ukraine combined with Russia again." for years. Puti did pile up several years Country Budget to buy a lot of Tank from other Country, and trained over months to take this mission. Why through Gorbachev would like this end? We thought his greedy in hearing it can done by himself. How to blame the whole situation? Only Heaven knows? Because it seemed usual people thought it's a happy ending. But in one person mind, he always unhappy on the results. Because he didn't get involved. That's it. But Gorbachev always forgot he's not this generation human yet. His wish only can through Puti to complete. However, why Puti come and go cannot made up his decision consist in this language and action, some reason was from Gorbachev influence.. As Big Cloud Buddha observed, he was moved by Gorbachev style conception person.. And also his strongman will. Because in War World II, people took land usually through violence way. And when they suspicious with their taken land, they all kept come and go to make sure they already had the victory. They got the land.But modern generation , not only through strength way, also through .meeting, conversation , and knowledge.and got the conclusion. So did this times through Poll Research Report can make thing happen. Plus in the War field, can stop their attack. And beautified their Ugly attack result.Whi can made those thing happen, without Heaven not involved. We don't believe any body can. This is a very tough difficult work!



In Swiss King held Metal for Big Cloud Buddha Ceremony , I had a feeling and spoke as below

I .make a summerize:

1. This Issue related 2 place Citizen wish, and through 2 Big man hands to fulfill:

One was CCCP Souviet Gorbachev , one is 20 Century Russia President Puti.

.How to attack?

To use modern way or previous way? We found was quite traditional way. Come and go streaten those Citizen heart trembling and surrender them.Let them cannot do anything, just accept it only.

How did they take human life body? And got the peace?

Through modern way, then not only got to use skill in War field.but behind the battle, got to had a very good negotiation meeting discussion. To get the both Attacker and Receiver two sides to sign the Agreement Contract. And also had third party to prove this Agreement is true. If not, no witness. We believe . it's not long.

In this Battle we found Puti all tried to use come and go method. To get rid of his suspicious thinking.To get what he wish done. It meant he want this land earlier in his hands.. Besides, he didn't abandon WAR WORLD II to use violence strength way. Only attack.and take the result. So in this War field sacrificed less general and soldiers to dead In War field almost impossible. We thought behind had a Buddha. If not, who can stop him.

In this battle: I used several thing to win :

1.Poll Research Report

2. Used in Battle, to cool the army soldiers down

To use Buddha dharma , Incredible way to

resolve their dead record incl. House crash

record. Can say to be such Ugly attack into a

balance figure.

3. After attack to use persuasion, to ask Puti to

accept what's my point of view.

A. Same blood

B. Ukraine sides to use nice and kind instead of

to use Tank + Gun their trained army skill to

against them back

C. To use Chinese language to close " No fight.

No acquaintance".

D. After discussion, we get the conclusion.

And found the result. Puti accepted my theory.

So he held the Ceremony for Russia Peace

Gold Metal Prize for me. And also take the

photo with the Group. To appreciate their hard

. work and accomplishment

E. But after Ceremony, he attacked again. Be

stopped. CNN Cameraman Mr.Stove. can

proved.This is Rabb That day was Big grabbed day. He

found was useless. Do he made with Chef

General and said "how to suicide her".

Because he cannot win.

F. He real to use his ex wife opinion, to take

that action, to cover his own idea. So did thing

happen. And he's dead.

G. After he's dead. Middle General was picked up

to manage the whole Country issue.

E. He's down to hell to locken. In his Heart Hell.

And because some special reason, he came

out from that. 2 times .

F. In his facing failure, he 2 times saw everything

different. He said he's useless. And also said

he's presidential period passed. He's not

belong here. So he would rather abandon to

be in hell. He's come and go habit still used in

faced Hell system. He was cool down had no

interest in attack Ukraine. His intention not so

strong Any more.

G. And on the same time, Middle General did get.

the conception from Big Cloud Buddha, to build

up Main and Branch conception in RUShIA &

UKRAINE. Government.And to make Dr. Still to

be Politic Party, Big Cloud Buddha suggested

him to meet Russia other Politic Party to get

some idea and also exchange some politic


H. At the same moment, within Puti disappeared

moment, Ukraine Citizen did travelled to

Russia every places. Some afford to buy.

Housing . Then, paid to buy a house to stay

down. And if not, then go back to their home


When Puti second times back again, he found

he can get involved with everything are very

less. He's useful places seemed less amd less.

Because after Big Cloud Buddha suggested to

ask A team of Professors to join to build up the

Government main and Branch computer

system. He 's failure are bigger and

bigger.that's the point, he can stay in Citizen

plan. Only stay 3 months. After. April. He will.


I. But within NATO Dr.John did have one meeting

to have Big Cloud Buddha and others. NBC Mr.

Goods and also Dr. Still. We are spoke very

less. And Thanks for Dr. Stood recommended

me too join this NATO. Meeting. And provided.

me the stage to speech. And unfortunately, he.

got hit by car accident. So later done by Dr.

John to finished the.meeting recording. And

Let the public knowing the process.

J. For we take modern Age ,Young Generation to.

find human faced birth rate reduce. To get birth

. a baby, it's a big deal issue. To waste a lot of.

human in War field, it's a big sacrifice. For

Young Generation. don't like to bear. And Also

faced hard to bear..That's why in War field

I take each human all precious. Try to reduce

the battle less death rate is what Big Cloud

Buddha chased. To look back from each

Country I got involved in battle,all very rare

death. For example: China against Taiwan.

battle, in 2015-2021, over 80 battle. rare

people faced death.That's an impossible good

record. Back to this times in the first times

started fight, 4,000 'old' record of Puti he made

before, the Heaven can torlerant. No more. He

knew. But sometimes, he still cannot forbid to

use tradition method in battle. And Big Cloud

Buddha tried very hard to make the sacrifices

figures reduce to less range. That's why Bi

Cloud Buddha to use Buddhadharma to

beautify the War field scene.In order to catch.

Ukraine Citizen those dead people to be back

on the ground. They figure was 737 dead on

Jan 25, 2022 experience.According one Oldie

described: I fell into Hell. Sat on the Hell

ground, won't move, look back and look

forward my all life , my brain all empty.and 3

hours later, I was taken back to the hospital

bed. My son teared not dry. Kept saying,

Father, how comes you back.He's one of the

key Nude donation to Big Cloud Buddha

disciples. To express their sincere and honor to

Big Cloud Buddha can done to Her. Except

appreciation. Nothing else. Big Cloud Buddha

Heaven Ancestor said: They real so sincere.

So.Honesty. I like them very much. In the

future. If they come, remember, to tell us,

they're the one .To use CNN Cameraman Mr.

John Stove film , you will. catch the whole.

scene.2 times




