2019年3月30日 星期六


My Birthday Is April 08, 1958.

Because my father escaped the penalty of
delay register  her daughter's birthday.
In panic, he just picked up "July 01" to
be mine .

So, until I grew up until 19 years old, according to Chinese History Class
teacher's teaching, I found my correct
Birthday was on April 08.

It's a very happy feeling when I found
my correct birthday, and I printed in
my Senior High School Gradated Book.
At that moment, I didn't know it is every
body Celebrate Shakymuni Birthday.

Until, 36 years old, I learned , and I felt
so surprised and so honor. That's
The Heaven Gift for me. And I found
by myself.

Thanks Heaven! I really become A Buddha.
I can tell each one of you

Big Cloud Buddha Birthday is April 08!
Please accept me to celebrate on that day!!!

Copy Right Reserved from Apr 08,2019.

2019年3月29日 星期五


Mar 28, 2019 New Record as below:

According to Big Cloud Buddha pray
in front of all Buddha and Bodhisattva
speak to Avalokitesvara:

Big Cloud Buddha open to the public
to say, New Budhisim use Shakymuni
Sutra to resolve the all creation of the

"The Four Recycle", in Buddhism
we called it "Samsara", that is:
To get birth, to get old, to get ill,
and to get death.

How it is, we look forward to
Big Cloud Buddha to teach
in front of all disciple.
And on Mar 29,2019
Big Cloud Buddha to open
"Dharma Wheel Always
Turn Dharma"
That's to teach whole
Earth how to recite
always turn method,
That's very useful
and also very effective
Path to keep on running
and never tired.
This is the record
to show Big Cloud Buddha
is Variyana Buddha Record.
The above spoke by



自 2019年 4月8日起

2019年3月26日 星期二


After discussion with Big Cloud Buddha,about how’s the Meditation destination, if leading
by wrong party, the poor result would be happened in last second, we would fall in hell, we even have no idea!

How to prevent to be lead like this way, you got to take several seconds to think of yourselves

I. What are you chase for?  Money, Girl, (Man), Career, Health and so on
II. What kind of way you would choose to chase: reading book, computer search, magazine look,
     and so on
III.What type of person you would like to chase: Movie star, Singer, Politician, religious master,
      and so on

The above are the interest question that I would like to know from you:

5000 billion 兆Scient help us to have the below research result:
A.  100% all like to chase money.
 B.  Half earth like to chase female , all ages included.
 C. 60% female like to chase male, over 60 years old not interested in.
 D. They all covered their chase to career part, 60 % chase,  30%hide, some scare to be laughed at,
      some scare to be failed, some for no money, some for no house, some for not marry, some
      homeless, and so on.
A.Read book:100%
B. Search computer:70% from 10 -60 years old.
C. Magazine look:60% from 50-59 years old,all countries included.

A. Movie star:60% 16-20 years old
B. Singer: 90% 16-90 years old
C. Politician: 60% 40-60 years old man, 40% 49-69years old woman (Taiwan example)
D.Religious Master: 60% 6- 66years, 100% all ages

The response are true and hot. All just happened, the research are mainly from whole earth. So you can have some idea what your neighbor like or they don’t like.

The Below are warm up part:
I.   take by Big Cloud Buddha to the whole earth to do the exercise:

I. Deep breath, breath Lu, count 1-10, three times.
II. Turn your shoulder from front to the back, 3 times.
III. Turn your shoulder from back to to the front. 3 times.
IV. TurnFlat your hands to two sides, just hold for 5 seconds. To open your body widely.
V. Move your body to flat hands left side.
VI. Move your body to your flat hands right side.
VII Hands up head up, see the ceiling or see the sky hold 10 seconds, to make your heads bone refresh

VIII.Move your hands back  count1,2,3 and move to the straight line
VIIII. Move your up hand to the front, count 1,2,3, and move back to straight line.
X. Hold your hands to the center and say “阿彌陀佛“

II if you’re sincerely chase to the Buddha teaching, below severeal things you got to follow well:

I. Respect Buddha
II. Respect Dharma
III Respect Samga

Why have to respect Buddha.
Because only Buddha can save you to the next shore. Next shore is what you pray and expect heaven.
Why she has to take you to there? No body know how many generation , she pity earth people to pray years round, all sincerely pray, and look foraged to at last second can come to West World, what’s your religion called “Heaven”. Big Cloud Buddha count on her observation  to know deep in your heart wishes all the same. So, at this generation, after she reach Top Heaven,33 Heaven, Big Cloud Buddha cuse her swear “I swear to save whole earth people to come to West World” to fulfill your deepheart dream, to make it come true. Simply for Big Cloud Buddha mercy to be “human”is a not so easy, how precious, I would like to teach you become a useful and good man in the world, and make your sincere wish become genius come true. I like to show you the path and teach you how to reach there. That’s my mission why I am here!

Respect Buddha no matter what kind of materials it made of?Wood Iron ,Stone, Gold, Mixed bronze, or Jealry.They all respectful!

Why have to respect Dharma?
Will be keep on written

Copy right Reserved
From Apr 08, 2019