2024年2月18日 星期日



Land God , 

May we protect our Land well in order that we can prove our work consist.

For we found our Recent announcement 

' Black Hole Not exist' had exception.

What's wrong?

We found Musk in South Korea had one deep dig hole. We take it as a ghost hole.

We let it come out as usual. And he did used dharma request to others area.

That's the reason.

And. We cooperate with hell to check how to improve? Hell Officer said to neglect it then through every thing. So that improved. Hell Officer thank you take Buddha request in action. 'Neglect it. Land God'.

We work together to proved this protect alive people job done well.

And we do improve immediately.

As we check 9 Country in New Energy Resources: 

US. China. German. Japan.

South Korea. Italy. Sweden. Swiss.Georgia.

