2022年5月6日 星期五

Vitamin B Complex Spread Story. Background

Spread Vitamin B Complex Background Story

Vitamin B Complex Phmarcy Corporation:
Seture Pharmacy Corporation accept that reminder from WHO Chairman Dr. Tan De Sai to do some work for those donation related 1,200,000 New born Baby Country citizen. And Big Cloud Buddha just accept Dr. Tan De Sai reminder to down the Purchase Order from United Nation Organization ex President Mr. Scott Genorado to his idea to use this Pharmacy Production Line to do the same products for our BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation Order total: 7,000,000,000 pcs taps. Each Taps 10 pill of Vitamin B Complex plus C. This formula is from Taiwan one Pharmacy provided their former one to apply for NTUH for Dr. Sun Andy prescription.And this donation will be paid by BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation in United Nation Account. To use one temp. Staff by UN Religion Department MGR Mr. Harry Joseph.Total amount would be US$ 3,000,000.  Half donate by America Pharmacy. They also agree to this " Medicine Spread" to Earth Citizen of Each Country. That resource is from Big Cloud Buddha origin conception to add Vitamin B Complex in milk Powder in feeding the New born baby in 2021 Nov. In each Country Nursery Room true cases.Each New born baby all be sentensed to dead status. But be well saved back after Vitamin B Complex usage. For their body all had the same syptoms: less heart beat, low breath, less suck milk intention. And several days passed no movement any more. It's over 1,000,000 cases. That real scare doctors and nurses. They real hand soft. Don't know what to do. And found Heaven got doctor , so they kept  praying. And got the response : to add in Vitamin B Complex in their feeding milk. And it worked. That's why had this background. Because according to the response from Heaven Doctor Big Cloud Buddha described for the whole Earth all ill. And they all need Vitamin B Complex help to their heart beaten will be stronger. And later the kinsey ,liver, lung also will be good to use. That's why she suggest to add it in. It happened twice. That real scared doctors and nurses. They never faced this condition before. That's the reason. They all wish got some reminder gift to help them to remember to take that urgent action. And also get the teaching for those New born baby parents. That's a very important background for everyone to appreciate our Heaven Doctor: Big Cloud Buddha. Without her and her BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation kind assistance. We don't know how to make our next generation stronger and healthier. For her suggestion, from this generation up, each one all got to take this prescription for whole life. Not for a period of time, because the environment changed. The air in the Earth not enough to breath and body became weaker. Heart beaten less stronger in your next generation. That's why she predict we had better to get this knowledge from now on. That's it. The above from oral description from WHO Chairman Dr. Tan De Sai. 

