2022年5月30日 星期一


BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation order 1,117 pcs TIN MEMORADUM for America each School to have a Good reminder of 
US ZERO GUN SHOT record that past 2
months 1-3 , 2022. 

This Is Request by Our Foundation President Big Cloud Buddha .

For her made a promise to do some excellent Work in Gun usage for Young Generation. 

2018-2020, there were over 3,000,000 cases 16 years kid died in Gunshot case. They all passed away and cried in 1st Hell. Wish can stop that the same Gunshot case can stop from their ages of kids 

Big Cloud Buddha promised them to do some protection to prevent the same case happened again. That' s the reason why. Our Foundation donated Texas Robb Elementary School each death sacrificed family US$1,000,000. And also wish to make those death pray for peaceful away. And wish from Family missing get some strength back. So that to make 


wish can make those broken feeling to refix by this action.

And also wish to have some rule in limitation people to bring Gun in the street.



361 Gun shop left:

Concentrate in 5 States

Texas(1), California(15), Massachusetts,(300)

Carolina (25),  Florida (20)

To make rule limitation to bring gun in the street:

90% Citizen agreed.

How to do?

Professor Dr. Johnason in Massachusetts in Law Department

Through Senator spoke for Citizen, and pass a procedure so to execute but had better had hearing procedure

Our Foundation President Big Cloud Buddha wish through these 2 action to prevent these Gunshot case happened again in United States Young Generation.

