2022年5月30日 星期一

America Pancreas cases

According to A TV friend report about America Pancreas patients are in a hurry to chase the new prescription for their life, if not, their doctors warning them rest of their life cannot out from DM medicine. Here' s Big Cloud Buddha after this description said about her Herb prescription. Wish can have some help.

Pancreas control DM, if you can control your Liver status. Then you can change your Pancreas
figure became a pretty color. Big Cloud Buddha prescription "HOT LEMON TEA" do change 3 Country Citizen Liver color. And DM figure within 3 weeks trying to drink only.

Those are Russia, Brazil, the States 3 Country over 700 Citizen cases successful. If you believe Herb usage can improve your body condition, then don't abandon to use your experience to test. Just drink "HOT LEMON TEA" each day 3 mug cups.Each time cut half Lemon. To add half mug.

Liver organ just need Lemon sour taste to protect its health. If you would try,3 weeks later, back to hospital,test your blood sugar figure?And also see how's the Liver color. You will shock for the Doctor keep asking you what did you done within these days. Drink Hot Lemon Tea

Liver organ just need Lemon sour taste to protect its health. If you would try,3 weeks later, back to hospital,test your blood sugar figure?And also see how's the Liver color. You will shock for the Doctor keep asking you what did you done within these days. Drink Hot Lemon Tea

In the first beginning ,I simply took it as a slider shape tea.  And after many patients report to me,the result so good. So I know it's because the "Chinese Doctor Theory Sour to Liver"so that everything so smooth happen.If you had Pancreas trouble,test it.Just Herb.Won't hurt

60, 90, 29, 68, 54,
5. ,  2.,   6,   3,   2
H.   M.   H.  H.  L
The herb help to control the Liver condition,didn't change Doctor Prescription.But sugar figure very pretty.And through meditation way,we can see the Liver Color changed good.Big Cloud Buddha good to use skill only.

