2022年2月20日 星期日

Ukraine case true face



Ukraine 737 Citizen they agreed to have nude donation. Because of they cannot have enough food some almost didnt have food over 3 days long.They told Big. Cloud Buddha whether they can

have 50% donation back to their hands. Yes. I response immediately. For 3 weeks hold.

And Big Cloud Buddha did as promise to return 50% nude donation to  737,  request to be disciples Ukraine Citizen. Their nude donation came from to sell their house, to sell their car, to sell their belonging.And their sincere action to persuade family all take the same action.

The 737 disciples where are they from?They're from Ukraine on Jan 25, 2022,Russia to use 60 tanks to attack Ukraine that moment. Russia took 3 hours to attack Ukraine, and 737 disciples

all of sudden passed away on the hell.And sat on the ground over  3 hours long.Empty in brain

The above all according to one of 737 disciples described what this feeling. And suddenly fell on the bed, I found my son next to me full of tears to say" You're dead, why you're back?" and we look each other full of appreciation.

Those description story ate from one leading the Group to nude Donation head Professor Dr. Stove..He and his son story. His son talked with him "what can we do to appreciate four this big gift? 

And may son said "Nude donation" I said "yes". And full of tears.

And we all agreed to do. Because it's a miracle .

 I don't know how to describe how to say. His feeling was so shock. And surprised. Don't know how to say. Just crying.

How to say just few word " amazing". Because we had to know how to use your hands to pull somebody out, to say we didn't do anything. But we had to say we just don't know how to make it. But we don't know how to do with it.

How to use ?how to appreciate

her? We just made her happy to know. And we found she's plain. Nothing else.

What's going on? Later on, everyday just hunger for food. And cold weather to hide our body.And don't know where to find another place to say what's else? Because we didn't find her to take care of us at last, she said she's the first times to face nude donation

And follow up, we don't like to say others story.

Master laughed cloudly for what she treat us. Within 3 weeks past by , she felt some guilty. Nothing? 

But she did say something that's deep: we dont know how to use our action to show our feeling to hug?To like?

Besides,it's meditation in big 

 public.Not private space. How to say our feeling. It meant " heaven and on the ground both all feel very shy to say some strange word or to act something.We all understand it's a "Big" donation.

We just let This Group to pass some Special Rule.

Within Big Cloud Buddha did hear some of you complain, some said cold. But we, heaven and ground, all pass. Some of you, now even heard heaven discuss " they seemed cold? What can we do?" And left unknown.

Until on Feb 15, 2022. It's 21 days sharp. 3 weeks. 

Big Cloud Buddha caour suggestion to take 50% donation.And also sent her family joined in taking care of 737 disciples body.And sent some warm and good nutrition

to the Group.And also Foundation associate warm in

The above all from Professor 

Stove and his son description.

And on Feb 18, 2022 at13:40-14:20, Big Cloud Buddha had a "Refugee Ceremony for New Buddhism" simply for this 737 disciples to be Buddhist. 

Althrough very simple. But serious.Also order.Most important of all. Completed

Ukraine case now became in fog 

see flowers, cannot see it clean and clear. How to judge it ? Or how to expect it? Now only count on the Earth Citizen pray for peace comes earlier. Not chase 

for Tank, Gun, or Bulletin how many your Country had? I had? 

Wish heaven knows how to?

As the latest news from Puti, he said he signed the Agreement with NATO and Ukraine to have a peaceful environment. No War,

No Bulletin any more. That's it. .

