2022年2月9日 星期三

Speech .on Feb 08, 2022

Here' s Big Cloud Buddha  prepare for 
Feb 8,2022.Conference Meeting Speech

Good afternoon,
I am Big Cloud Buddha.
This case is RUSSIA and Ukraine case. It' s a serous case.From the beginning why I get involved all from Ukraine Citizen pray and yell to HEAVEN: " tank reach my house, gun reach my home" So, I'm coming. At that urgent moment how to persuade 
Tank Soldiers to stop, "I think why not make other people know what's their hthinking of what's their heart issue ..that is the reason, thr Poll Research questions, we found the evidence Ukraine like Russia. 
" Do you accept Russia policy"?
70% say yes.
" Do you accept Ukraine under take by 
Russia" 70% say yes. 30% say No.
"Do you like every place print Ukraine combined with Russia" 80% say yes.
So, through Poll Research Report. 
the evidence very stromg, Ulraine like 
Russia can in  a natural way to control Ukraine.. Through observation. We found Russia and Ukraine had below several. Point are similar:
1.From History and Culture background :

the same ancestry

2.From culture favorite option; 
All like ballet 70%

.    3.   From weather: all close to North 
           Pole snow weather, all dress 
           heavy. Clothes.
     4.  From food: all like spicy. & Hot 
          Taste food. For this kind of food 
          Can make your body warm and 
          Hot feeling. Not cold any more.
     6. From female dress solider look
          , and also through their train film
         We found they are the same 
          blood. Because they all like 
Through this evidence it prove what kind of thinking in Ukraine Citizen deep in their mind. They already half Russia People. They like Russia, just take time to tell each other.
And as Chinese said No fight No acquaintance In Chinese " 不打不相識
Through attack they're through Poll Research Report, we found it real change Tank General decision. They turn their head and  left.
And, sometimes, attack cannot stop got to have some result. That's why Russia Attack would came and go.
And after attack , through another Poll Research Report found they changed a lot bit. And still hold to see.
Here"s question:
*Do you agree Russia Puti attack Ukraine? Does it drive you crazy? 100%
*What will you do? 
Negotiation 60%
Unknown 20%
Attack back 0%
But it didn't stop Big Cloud Buddha to use Buddhadharma to save them Back. On 01/25/2022  Ukraine was attack experience, according to CNN Cameraman Mr. Stove speaking language: 3 hours attack , to  use 7 minutes to save it back. It show the change color of heaven. In Chinese
風雲變色,  it real like that. "She's big hands. Who can do like that "Shakymuni said.
It saved back 737 alive back Ukraine 
Citizen, and also 60 Crash houses.
For in this moment , Big Cloud Buddha used persuasion to let Puti moved. And he did moved. What's her language: please read report.
And he did take her one sentense: 
不打不相識 No fight No acquaintance..

That's why Russia Puti did provided her , Big Cloud Buddha one honorable "Russia Peace Gold Metal Prize."on Jan 27, 2022. In 泰晤士報 The Sundays Times.got one small story. To show the both Puti and Big Cloud Buddha photo.
And Puti insist reason weak. Because he cannot persuade all soldiers to fight for him. That's the reason he still struggle in whether to go or to stay? 
So he missing 6 days. And come back. He's weak. He doesn't want to argue any more. But still argue with Gorbachev
 Quarrel with each other. For both all want Ukraine. According to Big Cloud Buddha style, no need to fight. Just take.but according to Gorbachev style not to save anything in the ground. At then,will hurt a lot in Ukraine. However, if it real hurt. How to go.
Because of this reason, Puti did thank for Big Cloud Buddha asked one important question:
"How's Tank oil spend ?
Why not spend the same as Tank oiI money to construction" ?"How's the figure? 

"100 million US dollars.
Can construction a street of house over 10 house.this is 60 tank oil."

Mtddle General said
And later fight with Puti got to keep on argue with Middle General about whether got to attack or. Not? 
At this moment, Big Cloud Buddha said: .
"Middle General, please report about Construction status to Puti."
And reported showed that Professors already started to construction Moscow City with Govehn City. So that Main and Branch set up well.
And Big Cloud Buddha said 
"If two use Tank to wave shot Building in Ukraine crash , how many percentage you will pay, Ukraine Citizen? And Russia Citizen? They all dont know. The response is 50% each. So when everyone suspicious. Big Cloud Buddha said: Why had to do one more. Building 2 times doble pay. Will you pay or not? . "No," Russia Citizen response.
They all suggest " Stop", "we don't want double pay". Besides" nobody would like to." "That's why Puti stop.
And so did Gorbachev.
"Her language keep hanging in my heart to 
repeat the same tone: why not use the same money in construction? Why to use in spoiled and destroyed City? 
That's why I think we learn something from her: ..

Nowdays modern age , people don't like to play fun, lazy in play. , that's why birth rate keep reduce. What can human do? Only reduce death rate. So she reduce a lot while in defend of China attack. That's the reason." Said Puti

"10 team"

"Send 10 team in construction both places web site"

Big Cloud Buddha spoke with Professor

in set up Government system. Because of Professor need support. After 2 times cancel by Superior Puti. 

But still construction well at last in both places Citizens sincere prayer.

That's the reason Puti change his mind 
Won't use Tank, Gun, Bulletin to
Obtain Ukraine. Within 7-8 weeks 
Keep be with Big Cloud Buddha 
At last he be moved 
"No Tank, No Gun
No bulletin" only peace . 
This is RUSSIA. Victory. 

To have a lot of Tax Income. 
A lot of New Citizen.
Waiting to be the Third Big Country
In the World.

Thanks NATO Dr. Stood invitation.
His special eyes did prove. But be stop
by Taiwan Gov'n. If not success come 
even faster.

Finished On Feb 09, 2022 .




