2022年2月24日 星期四

Long List Ancestry Result? 長長的祖先名單的結果?




只要對得起祖先就辦得到. !

何不 ?



Long Life?
Good Body Health?
If you look forward to this, do well to your
Ancestry. Cross their name away !
Just Do !! So simple!

If you pray for July 15 for your Last name Ancestry, at most only can reach your Grandpa or Grandma But your Ancestry list in Witch side even over 4 Generation.What 4th Heaven Big Cloud Buddha dig Grave on the ground to spend to West World to be Cloud, or Star. They all enjoyed and later because of Earth Oxygen not enough influence fell to the ground back. How about 4th Heaven donation? No one dollars, even to suicide Big Cloud Buddha on the ground, is that reasonable or not? Please know why your Ancestry would revenge to his offspring?,Because they felt so guilty to the West World and Sky to be Cloud & Star one round already as what she teach young Generation. But did she ask anyone to pay? No . And now even face to be used tricky to harm or hurt by those on the ground Young Generation. Is that reasonable?

Execution Result
A. One pragent mother, she heard her baby weak voice to speak to her" I'm gone" but be stopped by me. And I found her back had a lot of ancestry followed in her baby side. Keep want to take him away. I spoke to her. " Faster, if you make a?phone call to y our Witch then she'll be.back. try once or two to see " And she did. Her baby just slide from this feet to back tio his body. And she let go all. And found her baby no ill at all.

Columbia President Ivan Marquette donated a Gold Brick House for Big Cloud Buddha. Originally Big Cloud Buddha plan to take him right away to West World. No need to wait until April 05 or July 15.
But she tried and found failed. She kept persuade
President to let go his error in ancestry part.the biggest part was his Father. However, he didn't want to let go. Until he fell to almost bottom of hell. He awaken up. He did immediately. Besides, cut down the relationship with his Father. In order to prevent his father persuade him to do the error thing again. It works. Now, he just wait for Big Cloud Buddha to manage this guilty away well,
so that he can come to West World.

*Add on Mar 5, 2022. According to President Ivan
Marquette experience:'
1.He passed away on Jan 29, 2022 by the third times Car Accident.
2. Through Big Cloud Buddha , she recite AMITO
Sure one times at the First Night
3. Through His inheritor Mr. Golden Stuck. and also
Mr. George Stuck holds the Funeral for him, there're
63 Team of Recite NAMOAMITOFO team in Funeral to send their love most Ivan to Grave field.
It's a Serious Funeral. AMITOFO favor it is a Good Teaching Country.
4. After 14days unknown deep in hell day, at last Ivan awaken up and let his father, to leave him alone in hell, and be pick up too the ground. For his great donation and a good company in the heaven.
5. At that moment, after Ivan back ,he asked and decided by himself to cut all of this father done in error part. That's meant all long list part. Total 65 million name. "The result is suffer. " from his father
John language.After 21 days he accepted his son decision 10 days later. He was from the bottom of hell up to the ground. So we count it is 21 days.
This good examples wish can encourage a lot of written long list people, no matter how long, how far, how strange way you requested to do, " JUST STOP" the result will be just like what you see,
Like Ivan. He just made the determination decision for his father. No matter what he yelled, he don't , just do. Until first few minutes passed, those ancestry left. And his father release, he found his father feel like?can jump out from the?hell, that was ten days ago. And later 5 days ago. He still can hear, his father yelled it"s Painful. But later on never heard anything. That's incredible. For this father in 21?days, according to Wen Tien Shiang record , this is the 21 days. It's miracle. I do believe what she said. Dont hook too many layer. If not it's heard to let it got.

We found quite a lot of " Heavy Ill" lying on the hospital bed people, all from those written long list
, some even over 70 million generation to suicide Big Cloud Buddha. And asked his ancestry why had to do this way to treat his offspring?
His ancestry often heard response:
Because we be dug out from the grave to clean our body from ghost body changed to be heavenly people body. Andl later saved us to come to West World to be Cloud Body. And we even became twinkle stars. We did speak with my offspring one word to tell them " I am in the West World". And wet even did not pay one dollars to Big Cloud Buddha.
We all stayed in the Heaven 3 hears long. NASA did prove the sky all of sudden less a lot of stars. And comparison with 3 years ago, sky increase a lot of stars
Ancestry said: We all fell down to the ground simply for the Earth Oxygen not enough. Originally we had Big Cloud Buddha sent Oxygen to us. when we're in the universe to be star.. Now we fell down to the ground. Big Cloud Buddha even asked us "can you go back to the grave?" we laughed. But we cannot. Because we be tied with our offspring to hurt Big Cloud Buddha. Some even heavy hurt over several months long. And their body tied with us, that's why they all less good. Not only bad luck. Poor body health. No money. Some had a big debt just worked for paying Witch big dollars.
How to change ?.
Why had to change?
A: Your ancestry all count on Big Cloud Buddha Swear to become Heavenly people. Reach West world. All stay 3 years long but didn't pay one dollars 
for Big Cloud Buddha. They felt guilty
when they hurt Big Cloud Buddha. They will revenge their offspring back. If their Offspring didn't want to stop their action, keep wanting to tie with their ancestry to work. Therefore, they would ask their offspring to pay the bill.

How to change?
1. Count how long list you written?
2. How much monet you paid?
3. How long you're going to do the same 
4. To discuss with your family to change
     Your decision. To stop doing.Then 
     Your ancestry less hurt. Less tie with
     Your decision, then your fortune will
     become better. Body condition will 
     be better. Some even can stop big 
     disaster,to small one,  to jump out 
    "death" gate.
5. Ask your Temple or Witch, how many 
    tines you already done. And stop to do, then can take how much money back. 
6. Spilt half for those money. Half for charity tasks: Big Cloud Buddha Account  Half for yourself. 

  Just take the Action now

Big Cloud Buddha Donation Account

Swiss Bank

Duster Goods Branch

A/C No. 230-260-230-260-230

A/C Name: Big Cloud Buddha

Swift Code: ZUISTST

Please remarks: For Charity Tasks.

