2021年5月25日 星期二

Zen Talk Part I

United Nation Each Country Flag


May 26,2021

After India case be discussed in public, and UNPresident Mr. Genorado combined with 72 Counties Donation to assist India to resolve itsCitizens water usage Donation ,almost everyone all can hear, Mr. Genorado discussed with 

Accountant how to use those Donation interest part.

And at this moment, Big Cloud Buddha.all of +
sudden to say ,
" she'll like to use agriculture medicine?" 
And asked "africa, are you OK"
Africa to response " OK"?
and hear a lot of laughter behind.
And Big Cloud Buddha asked "Europe, are you OK?
Europe response"OK"
And now Big Cloud Buddha change direction to
to ask"is Asia OK?"
Asia said"OK"。
And Big Cloud Buddha asked Middle East
"Are you OK?"
They said " half, India not O K"
And UN President. Genorado to say
"We have 72 Countries donation,do you
think it's OK?"
India Prime Minister at last to say "O K"
And all of sudden, Big Cloud Buddha
heard something talked about interest?

Turn her head to say
"Do you feel ugly?"
Some add "Community Head ugly?"
Big Cloud Buddha said " please reflection yourself"

and everbodu laugh !
And I told them 
" you may see this to learn some of others teaching?"
And " everyone all laugh".

Thanks for UN President Mr. Genorado
kind assistance in India case,
Especially to "yell" to every Country
to combine together everybody 
brotherhood and sisterhood.
This is a very touch everyone case. 
For every Country all love each othet, only 
think of " how to help" feeling
And some of laughter behind had 
Some deep thinking 
we should have time  to reach each other.
That's all.


Mr.Genorado did deep thought a lot of thing
And to play persuade her husband to be nice
to her attitude.

And wish through this, Big Cloud Buddha 
brother and sister-in- law could be put it
down for discussing about her interest 
part. Especially after Societe Rucieno 
decided to move Big Cloud Buddha Donation.
saved in their Bank , now changed to Australia.


