2021年5月21日 星期五

India COVID-19 Prescription

Date:May 22,2021

India "COVID-19" Prescription:


Big Cloud Buddha Foundation & New 
Buddhism Founder Big Cloud Buddha 
is concern the COVID-19. in India 
 Country status. We heard that local people. usually dropped death people 
body directly to Gamge River Center Part 
and let it float till close to India Ocean Port. Within this period of time, their drink usage or other water usage all same
from Gange River. It would caused a lot of unexpected diseases and stomach ache,
that arise Big Cloud Buddha to suggest to ship some water for India people for wash hands and also drink usage. It do make a lot of Country do the same action, they all stand on brotherhood & sisterhood thinking, do not ask anything in return.  That cause Whole Earth love each other. and wish within May 21-Jun 11, these 3 weeks. After Space man watch Gange River speed carefully wash their body can be well protected and forbid to cause any disease to death.

Below is Big Cloud Buddha suggest:

To Order some liquid water plastic 
Package liter to send to India.
For them to wash hands usage.
A lot of Country active join donation. Including: Malysia, Singapore, Sweden,Thanks for their brotherhood &
sisterhood thinking to work for this
case. For a clean water for COVID-19 is very essential.
2.   .
To Order the same Package Liter 
Water but boiled base for them to
drink.it's Taiwan Products. 
And also for those Plastic package 
Liter Water, before drinking had 
better boiled them, to avoid to
cause COVID-19 disease.
And also for some other usage, Big.               Cloud Buddha suggest to use India.               Small River to take bath instead of 
  jumping in Gange River now. Especial
  after River got the floating dead body.
To Order some "Wash Hand" Icon
To print "Big Cloud Buddha Foundation. sponsor.name under:
Chen Mei Fong, British Queen, Sweden King.And so on Thanks for their donation.
5.   .
Big Cloud Buddha suggestion also.              included:
To use local people get used to cover 
 their nose & mouth to use their necktie. 
That forbid to let them escape  from refused to use "Mask" . so that cannot 
help to catch New Disease.
But Big Cloud Buddha used local way to forbid them refused, and welcomed 
and happy to use. Not only kids happy,
But oldie all accept. They all flattered 
 to say "she's one of us before" . They all 
 MAppreciate Her , for she help them
 naturally. For those necktie they.                   used material can make wind through.        To resolve local scare to wear                          "mask"trouble.
About water, Big Cloud Buddha suggest
MThey can drink hell water, boil twice.
Then can drink, can forbid a lot of 
 strange smell, or heavy iron so on
 troubles. That can resolve some part 
 of place not close Gange River, but 
shipment of liquid plastic liter Water
not so fast reach. Then, can choose to
use Big Cloud Buddha way to help them
to resolve thirsty in drink water 
Pile up those Liquid Plastic Liter Empty 
Bottles all in some square, in order to.           have Businessman from Taiwan will.            ship them back, to produce some new.           sport dress. It won't occupy the land of 
 India square, just temperuary
 occupied. besides it change to be a.                 good sports products, just paid the.                transportation fee after used in India.         Country. It's also good for.                                 Environment recycle.
Big Cloud Buddha also asked Space.              man in WCIA to watch the Gange.                  River speed to test how long the River.          can run close to India Ocean Port.                After their 6 SpacemanTeam.
calculated carefully, they found it well.       cost 3 weeks to run.
 If India local people don't add in. And
 the River won't have other special.                 usage , like dam or other special.                     arrangement, then 3 weeks , it won't 
have any trouble. If, in the Center part
Local people can hooked those dead 
Bodies upload on the river side, to.                aviod them kept floating in the river
to stop the natural speed of River. Then
"we believe 3 weeks , no trouble."

So after 21 days Gange River dirty.              smell at last close to india Ocean Port,          then India Emergency In River case.              can close.That's from May 21-Jun 11.  People drink water or wash hands 
all from every Country donation. To             forbid water Not clean caused New.               disease.
We need brotherhood and sisterhood 
catch up the long run for shipment 
 for one Country usage.


***Add on May 25,2021 Report 

Big Cloud Buddha checked with them ,Hen River side Clean Stuff Team, they all finished work and got paid by India Dict Hu
local people, UN Big Cloud Buddha Foundation add each worker 2 hour/US$5
So that Clean Team worked quite smooth.

Another things was after Clean Team concentrated 7 hours long clean environment , but smell still hang in over there so long, didn't go. Until 12 hours long 
Piled up enough wind and strength in the Hen River side, Big Cloud Buddha made one request to let wind blow from River side  to India Ocean. ithin 2 -5 minutes later, smell all disappeared. Fresh Air again.

***Add on May 24,2021 

Original combined with 72 Counties donation to support India usage of Water.
No matter wash hands, drinking, 2 kinds. But refused by India Prime Minister Modi. That money now all from India Country
Government  Budget, each days US$3,500,000 . for Liter Plastic Water payment, under UN suggested Plastic Package Water Corporation from 6 Countries.

Those piled up donation will keep in United Nation Big Cloud Buddha Foundstion, await for next good brotherhood & sisterhood case. For our Foundation policy is strictly execute " Donation no return".

In this India case, we had to appreciated
72 Countries prompt assist to donation.
However, we used 2 times to persuaded 
to India Prime Minister" in vain.  said 
UN President Mr. Genorado.

And also, thanks for our WCIA 6 ex Space man Team cooperated together to correct 
calculate the speed of Gange River, and predict it well close to the India Ocean Port in 3 weeks later. That's why we wish this case can happily closed on June 12.

According to India Journalist report:
For the death body after several days floating in the Gange River, their River smell sticky, some local people get used to drink no matter what kind of status happened or changed in that River, that's caused their stomachs , end felt throw out from their stomachs very fast. And the environment smell ugly. caused a lot of close to River side people throw out from their stomach, and those throw out stuff fell on the ground to make passed by passenagers felt another throw out, and that real polluted the local environment very hard.
About the above situation, here's Big Cloud Buddha latest 

And local close to Gange River 10 miles long, now hired some Clean Stuff Team to clean those throw over stuffs.And later to use newspaper steps on the paper to clean the ground , clean three times. To make sure those ugly smell all let go.so that it would be back to be clean.

***Add on June 05,2021
About india Gange River Clean Team 6 persons , they did sacrified their body to their Country. Big Cloud Buddha respect them , so that plan in this year Lunar July 15 send them come to West World to honor them their Action deserved what people 
to remember and to know what they worked for COVID-19. Action.
Here's their Name list:

Dict Hu

Gu Su

Gesh LWu

Ho Yeu

Gen Ge 

Lou Gu

This 6 persons worked for India COVID-19

people, those who dead body floating in the 

Gange River. Their workload was very big 

clean over 50 dead body all. Their contribution to India

is always be appreciated. For their sacrified their body to their work, never think of themselves, only wish can bring the environment clean and air fresh heart will always be remember. 

Thank you 6 great Workers. Your Great Job!

Let's meet each other in the West World this year July 15.

Written by Big Cloud Buddha 


***Added on June 6,2021
Now, in India after Prime Minister used
A correct way in usage in Vaccinate Shot,
especial he took Big Cloud Buddha suggestion to those serious patients stayed in the hospital, they all over 400 million 
patients all became better condition. And 
those hotshot people will all according to her suggestion to one by one layer to take Vaccinate shot to lower down those Virus 
resistance in India Area. The above recited
by Modi in person. And typed by Big Cloud Buddha.

We discussed about which Vaccinate brand would be better. She suggested: COVAX in
local production. Suitable for every area. Also good for India.

Now, we got to find what's wrong with whole Earth to look at Big Cloud Buddha? 

We don't think she's good in doing everything. Because she don't know how to express what does she want in front of us.what she wants to do? That's why we always take wrong steps to her. Including Heaven? 

Big Cloud Buddha Foundation
President Big Cloud Buddha 

