2020年4月1日 星期三

Donation New Account

Here's Another New Account For Donation:

For "Wu Han" Disease People, For your Relatives passed away, want to come to West World, please remember to do the donation, to be Donor. How much of the amount is up to your wish.

Before he or she come to West World,
we would spend time in checking
whether he or she passed "8 Vows"
now we called "New Vows". If he or she is positive, then we accept your Donation, if not, according to "Donation rule : 'Donation no return'  so we would pile up for your next generation to be your good benefit, it meant, You would get birth smoothly.

The below is the information for:

Beneficiary name: Big Cloud Buddha
Beneficiary Bank: Societe Generale Bank, Insurance Department, Italy
Account No.           123-621-123
Swift Code:            SGBTCICT

The Above

Big Cloud Buddha.

Please remember to write both of your name, Donor and your related person name.

Thank you very much.

If smoothly,  this year we'll plan to
 have a" July 15 Send those "Wu Han"
Death People, Come to West World"

Below is New Vows:
I.     No cheat, No lie.
II.    No steal
III.   No mix sleep with 3,4,5,6 people,
        Only sleep with q 2, we support marriage.
IV.   Less drink of Wine, don't be
        Drunk Driver, if not, cannot
        come to West World.
V.    Love your country.
VI.  Clean your body, deep
       meaning, clean your heart.
VII. Don't speak ill of others.
VIII. No killing.

Follow Buddha,
Follow Dharma ,
Follow The Disciple.

Wish every one of you,
will make your wish come true.
Speak good Word,
Do good thing,
Have good heart.

Big Cloud Buddha written
Taipei, Taiwan
April 03,2020

Copy Right reserved.

