2020年4月19日 星期日

About My Meditation Way Report

Regarding to Wu Han Disease Patients out from Hospital Report. 

I'm Big Cloud Buddha, one Taiwan native.
My Education background is I graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University.
German Department.

My Meditation learning from 1990 until now. 
I familiar with debate with other Meditators, no matter in language or in meditation way.
That's the reason why I can choose to resolve this time Wu Han Disease Patients in my
Meditation Way. Not as what usual people in religious field count on Ceremony. 

Originally, I announced in the air to those Countries had a lot of death record Country Leader
to pile up their donation in my banker: Italy Societe Generale Bank. They all expected to have
a good Ceremony on April 08 (Wed). That's what I plan for them very rush to held for whole 
earth to help to resolve Wu Han Disease to well recovery. 

But, since Banker didn't provided me the donars list even move those donation to Italy Government.
to spoiled every details arrangements. So, let the Ceremony ruined. And I had no way, only can
count on to use my arrangement to face so many expectation from each Country Leader hope.

Therefore, on April 08 Wedesday, I hold a small Ceremony to recite different Sutra not as I usual planned. But still prayed for my original wanted to work for earth Each Country Development. 
Eventually, I moved very smoothly to do everything. It seemed the decoration very serious, and very well, and when started to use, the cloth slide, to make thing seemed not as everyone thought so happy.  But at last pray I add to report to Heaven to say " if I didn't do well part, please accept my apology". That's what I said in Chinese " 不是法"

But since I'm Top Buddha, the 33 Heaven Buddha. That's why I can control the condition quite
well, and all Zen Heaven all accepted what I pray.

And later, I used my way to make everything all became in meditation usage to change
whole earth citizen body to well condition.

i. Feet Spa: to recite Compassion Mantra to let go 50% patients of Wu Han Disease for back to
ii. Three days ago, at midnight, I sat to recite three times "Compassion Mantra" to let go 25%
   patients to back to home, besides, within this period , all patients body are get better and 
  better. That count on Big Cloud Buddha Meditation Strength to improve their body health.

iii. Big Cloud Buddha used 33 Heaven Sun coming to make on the ground Ghost all disappeared.
    and let go those bad luck for the land. And did it two times. And at last to make the earth
   citizen to get recovery from their body, and had strength to get out from hospital. That's from
  33 Heaven Sun get into human body to have a good strength to let go those virus hurt. and
  to improve their body condition, to let go those hurt their lung part,  and from 33 Heaven
  Sun to get the best proval strength to let them out from Breath Machine. and can breath

  But, they all just first stage of getting better, so that need a lot of nutrishing to improve their
  body health condition. That's very important conception, if not get enough strength to
  keep on their body well, just force themselves to do some exerise, or do some work, or do 
 some extra trip, or walk, their body would be surrenderred immediately, feet soft, and
 cannot stand to do anything. So weak. They face got to rest more, sleep more,until
 get a good strength before they have any other plan. If not, cannot forbid too weak
 and face to die all of sudden, even not enough time to send them to hospital. Because they
 don't know what's their body condition. Those nutrishing incl. B+, fish oil and also
 all kind of doctor prescription nutrishing and good food. 

And most important of all is to held one' Sending Wu Han Disease God Ceremony" 
For doing this, Big Cloud Buddha already to plan a Dharma Boat to send this Diseasee
God. And to invite over 120 Countries for each send 2 representative to join the Ceremony
to Taipei for this Great Activity. My Foundation plan to held on Early of May. Welcome
to join this Ceremony for end of Wu Han Disease. 

Big Cloud Buddha Foundation:
Add: No. 31, Lane 131, Han Chow S.Rd. Sec 1
Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: 886-2-2395-2030
Fax: 886-2-2351-8729
email: bigcloudbuddha@gmail.com

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