2020年3月28日 星期六

what’s your US$10 Status?

What’s wrong with my Donation In Taiwan Bank?
According to my Blog Account open to Public about Donation information:
Taiwan Bank also get involved.

We didn’t expect one time when I mentioned to the whole earth potential disciples
If each 10 dollars to donate to me, then everyone affordable. Everyone all laughed.
And I didn’t expect it’s true.

I did receive the message from every place, that my mailbox full of their notice.
Whenever they wired money to my blog Account, then they would write mail to
advice me.

Now, total amount piled up to US60,633,206,200.
It meant the whole earth my potential disciples numbers will be
6,633,206,200persons donated US$10 to me. It’s an excellent record. They do an excellent job. Because each one of them only do it one time only, it meant they really only donate US$10 dollars to Big Cloud Buddha. That’s a marvelous, yawoo, I’m so happy to say I do love you all, and I want to share with you my happiness and joyful feeling. I really appreciate your precious donation to show your true and sincerely action to me. Although so small to afford, but it’s different from others. It’s all from your pocket. And it’s over 700,000 from kids pockets. It’s so precious that we build up the relationship with each other. Including from Africa , those Country are Alizixe, Glorigoria, Georgia Senza, so precious donation from them, to tell me their land back to peace, no worm no locust any more. Their happiness showed in their donation and also their heart and their faces. We can hear their laughters, they knew they won’t face no harvest from their land this season.

However, poor thing is Taiwan Bank, up to now, from the first day Mar 01,
until Mar 26 my record, no any phone call to advice me that I had any donation
get into my account, And even complaint quite a lot, how to count those
expense to me about so many donors number. They simply just sat there
kept discussing a lot how to spilt those donation, to how many people, including new open account people, they even already paid NT$100,000 to 10 new accounts interest part to those new account name.

See how greedy they are, they all new open to Taiwan Bank customers, they
all my new never met alumni. We just spoke with each other in the air, discussed
how to do for my future plan in my Foundation Project. We said that I’ll used their
name to open one new account for using as a specific usage account, i.e. Scholarship, Temple, Sutra, Charity Tasks and so on. But they did be asked to open a new account to be paid my new 10 dollars donation interest, I don’t understand what did Taiwan Bank plan to do, they simply just want to spoiled my plan only, my relationship with new friends, and used their greedy mind to their usage, asked them joined their thinking “ eat my money” plan.

Please if you’re one of donors, please spread this news to every place to ask Taiwan Bank, advice me to have this donation, to tell me the Correct Amount. Because I’m going to use this money to build up my foundation, our foundation. My donors you’re my members, to have a new office, to set up a internationalized Website. And also plan a lot of work for every country’s targets, including: Scholarships, Ceremony, Teaching Speech World Travel Plan, Sutra Printing, and all kinds of Charity tasks, : get involved with country to care of fireman equipment, policeman equipment, Lab for medical care equipment, and also other Association of accident family after Drinking Wine, Lab for make fish to revived to earth, Spread revived fish to those good reborn ones, To have students from every Space Center to study outer space fuel development , and so on.

Don’t let those donation be spilt for those nothing to do with our Foundation people,
they only work for their greedy mind and thinking and action. Selfish, and narrow minded, no big plan for this big amount money. Big Cloud Buddha plan to work with earth citizens to how to improve our lives and our knowledge.  Educate young generation have a better and correct attitude to control their mind and body through correct teaching and practice.

Big Cloud Buddha wish donors, you’ll take actions to work together to make Positive that Taiwan Bank will allow Big Cloud Buddha get this donation advice, And can use this donation under my process to build up Foundation. You’re Our Foundation Donors, you already our Foundation Members, welcome you to join this action to check whether Taiwan bank take the correct action or not. Besides, make sure that Big Cloud Buddha can have the “Customer right of Bank” : to get the phone call advice, to discuss with Taiwan Bank about how to count the interest, how to pay the expense from donors part, if I want to change into NT dollar
Copy Right Reserved from s, and also other customer necessary to know and take action rule. If you’re donors, you do concern about you US$10 Status. Then Please take some action to do.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Big Cloud Buddha

Taipei, Taian
Mar 30,2020 (Revised)

Copy Right Reserved from 2017 Blog Written 

