2019年5月25日 星期六

We Need O2

This was Record on May 23, 2019

That was happened all of sudden, that Big Cloud Buddha
found Air was out of O2, I felt it. But I didn’t know how to
measure it. And at that important moment, my previous
Ancestor Einestain showed up, he suggested to go to out
of Spaceship, and we did arrive. and spoke with the Spaceman 
to ask him how to check the O2 on the earth, how’s the percentage. 
And rapidly by check scients kind assistance, we did find the correct 
figure, the number was showed”49”, we asked the Spaceman original 
figure was whatever, he responsed ”it was 150” And it shocked whole 
earth. What can we do? And Big Cloud Buddha took faster decision to ask
all human to abandon all their multify requests, to make those different area 
scients back to theirs. And within seconds, the figures corrected back to over 
“200”. It was said by other Ancestors that figure showed “49”, meant if we
didn’t take any fast step to correct it, the poor result showed, it would be” all 
human should all die within 7 days.”

We be taught:

Please choose the correct option- Alive option, don’t ever pick up the passed 
away one any more. We scare our air was out of O2, and only CO2 left behind,
then where’s our plant-earth? This is very important teaching for our young
generation! For we learn, human need O2, and passed away people or other hell
scients, they create CO2. We’re different.

— Big Cloud Buddha

