2019年5月28日 星期二

Record May 27, 2019

 China attacked Taiwan on May 27,2019

Heaven received news before they’re ready to attack few second.
Big Cloud Buddha as usual requested to order Heavenly General 
to order Heavenly Taiwan Solider, to get ready.

And Heavenly Sailors did sailors job, Heavenly Pilots did pilots job. 
After 15 minutes, Big Cloud Buddha received General report:
Forior resolved all of the troubles.

Big Cloud Buddha said “Good”.
Good Heavenly Soliers, you do a good job!!!

Respect from Forior Soliders represent Taiwan, to show respect to
Heavenly Taiwan Soliders. Received on May 28,2019.

Big Cloud Buddha Heavenly Soliders achievements show how she
protect Taiwan well preparation. From the beginnings of May, China
Ship gunshot be “buddha Cloth” dharma protected, in order to forbid Taiwanese
soldiers wounded. And now, before China succeeded attack, they already be cut
attackting. “That’s a good news for Taiwan, it means Big Cloud Buddha has that
capability to protect Taiwan, before China attack”, said President Trump. Congratulation
For Taiwan, we got them! Said General in Heavenly Sky.

Reportor: Big Cloud Buddha

