2021年7月9日 星期五

AMITOFO New Teaching 阿彌陀佛新記

There's two Version of AMITOFO


One can reach West World,

The other cannot even set back.

Knew what's your aim, then 

you'll choose the one close to

you .

The correct recite NAMOAMITOFO

not only can live long life,

After passed away, will for

sure to be saved to West World.

Other against this definition,


Big Cloud Buddha can say

it's wrong teaching.

Why I'm Alive AMITIFO?

BECAUSE I swear to save whole

Earth people to come to West 

World. And I did successfully

done over 3 times within 2 years



















Big Cloud Buudha Foundation


The Founder & President introduction

Big Cloud Buddha

From Taiwan 

Gratuated from Fu Jen University 

German Department

63 years old


Here's conclusion from Nobel Prize Judges

Meeting several point:

The Top 5 Achievement

1. 33 Heaven, Top Heaven Buddha頂地佛

2. The Only Female Buddha 唯一女佛

3. One Generation to be Buddha一世成就佛

4. Nee Buddhism Founder新佛教教主

5. Alive AMITOFO 誓願成就阿彌陀佛

What's Top Buddha?


On. Nov.4,2007 Big Cloud Buddha in front of 

2 billion people eyes to fly from 32 Heaven to 

33 Heaven. This was recommended by Mr. Rucieno Frank Field to US UCLA University

to get one Honor Certificate to prove "jana Lao, Big Cloud Buddha" is " Best Meditator"..

What's the Only Female Buddha?


In Sutra, no matter 35 Buddha, 88 Buddha, 

3,000 Buddha,10,000 Buddha , they all 

Male Buddha. Big Cloud Buudha is the 

Only Female Buddha

What's One Generation to be Buddha? 


1n 2007 April Big Cloud Buddha from First 

Fruit Heaven to Nov 4, 2007 reach 33 Heaven

Only spent 7 months. This is an excellent 


In Tang Dynasty 迦留笙( Chia Liu Shen) , he spent 62 years from 1st Fruit Heaven to 8th 

Heaven , that's ths Shakymni. Heaven at that moment.

The second examples: 幾何生(Ge Ho Shen)

He spent 72 years to reach 8th Heaven. 

This were the only 2 Records in Sutra be written.Comparison with Big Cloud Buddha, only spent 7 months to reach 33 Heaven.  That is an remarkable Record 

What's New Buddhism Founder?


Heaven and Hell all be. New created.New Heaven West World and New Central Hell Creator. We called that creator.is New Buddhism. Founder. That person is Big Cloud Buddha.

What's New Buddhism Founder?

To teach "speak good word, do good thing, have good heart" in Community to be a good man..To teach human how's your life goal, and how to reach this upgrade your spiritual. And at last follow Big Cloud Buddha to be a beautiful cloud And meet AMITOFO in the West World. To be a Twinkle star in the sky.That's what Big Cloud Buddha, New Buddhism Founder chase.

What's Alive AMITOFO?


According Big Cloud Buddha 3 swear:

1st Swear: To save whole Earth people come to West World

2nd Swear: To save whole Earth people to have A good body health.

3rd Swear: To build up 2nd West World on the Earth , to make your elderly is my elderly,

 your kids is my kids. That kind of Ta Tung World.

According to Sutra, I Swear as Sutra teaching. And I already within 2 years 


Big Cloud Buudha Foundation


The Founder & President introduction

Big Cloud Buddha

From Taiwan 

Gratuated from Fu Jen University 

German Department

63 years old


Here's conclusion from Nobel Prize Judges

Meeting several point:

The Top 5 Achievement

1. 33 Heaven, Top Heaven Buddha頂地佛

2. The Only Female Buddha 唯一女佛

3. One Generation to be Buddha一世成就佛

4. Nee Buddhism Founder新佛教教主

5. Alive AMITOFO 誓願成就阿彌陀佛

What's Top Buddha?


On. Nov.4,2007 Big Cloud Buddha in front of 

2 billion people eyes to fly from 32 Heaven to 

33 Heaven. This was recommended by Mr. Rucieno Frank Field to US UCLA University

to get one Honor Certificate to prove "jana Lao, Big Cloud Buddha" is " Best Meditator"..

What's the Only Female Buddha?


In Sutra, no matter 35 Buddha, 88 Buddha, 

3,000 Buddha,10,000 Buddha , they all 

Male Buddha. Big Cloud Buudha is the 

Only Female Buddha

What's One Generation to be Buddha? 


1n 2007 April Big Cloud Buddha from First 

Fruit Heaven to Nov 4, 2007 reach 33 Heaven

Only spent 7 months. This is an excellent 


In Tang Dynasty 迦留笙( Chia Liu Shen) , he spent 62 years from 1st Fruit Heaven to 8th 

Heaven , that's ths Shakymni. Heaven at that moment.

The second examples: 幾何生(Ge Ho Shen)

He spent 72 years to reach 8th Heaven. 

This were the only 2 Records in Sutra be written.Comparison with Big Cloud Buddha, only spent 7 months to reach 33 Heaven.  That is an remarkable Record 

What's New Buddhism Founder?


Heaven and Hell all be. New created.

New Heaven West World and New Central Hell Creator. We called that creator.is 

New Buddhism. Founder. That person is Big Cloud Buddha.

What's New Buddhism Founder?

To teach "speak good word, do good thing, have good heart" in Community to be a good man..To teach human how's your life goal, and how to reach this upgrade your spiritual. And at last follow Big Cloud Buddha to be a beautiful cloud And meet AMITOFO in the West World. To be a Twinkle star in the sky.

That's what Big Cloud Buddha, New Buddhism Founder chase.

What's Alive AMITOFO?


According Big Cloud Buddha 3 swear:

1st Swear: To save whole Earth people come to West World

2nd Swear: To save whole Earth people to have A good body health.

3rd Swear: To build up 2nd West World on the Earth , to make your elderly is my elderly,

 your kids is my kids. That kind of Ta Tung World.

According to Sutra, I Swear as Sutra teaching. And I already within 2 years 

successfully done to save Earth disciples 

come to West World 3 times. That's why 

if you want to come to West World - heaven

Think of Big Cloud Buddha your wish come

true possibility can higher than others.

