2021年7月5日 星期一



New Buddhism is A Brand New Age for Buddhism.

i.  Vow different

ii. Founder different

iii. West World different

**i Vow different:

Buddhism was 5 Vows,New Buddhism is 8 Vows.

What's the content?

i. No Cheat, No lie

ii. No steal

iii. No mix sleep with 3,4,5,6 people, only sleep with 2 people. We support marriage.

iv. Less drink of wine, don't be drunk driver, if not, cannot come to West World.

v.  Love your Country.

vi. Clean your body, deep meaning, Clean your Heart.

vii. Don't speak ill of others.

viii. No kill.

**ii. Founder different

Buddhism Founder was India Shakymuni.

New Buddhism Founder is Taiwan Big Cloud Buddha Foundation

President Big Cloud Buddha.

**iii. West World different

New West World is according to the New rule of West World to set up. According to Old Bible"Man down to hell"  But New West World emphasized come to West World.

New West World set up in 2009. At that moment under Zen Master Dharma kind assistance, to request "Janabuddha" to build up A brand New West World. For Janabuddha in 2007.11. 4 , fly through 32 Heaven to 33 Heaven that achievement ,to change Heaven have to moved a New Style.

And at that moment, Janabuddha set up the New West World, with 3 Word:

**Sun Light is Buddha Light

**Cloud World is West World

**All Religion are equal

That's the NEW HEAVEN

And started from them on it used in New West 

World and New Hell

Regarding New Hell

2007. New Hell built up in First Hell, according to Lung. Lung Lieu Bidhisattva was pushed down to First Hell that's second, and was saved by Kuan Kung. And later Total 3,000 Hell was clean by Lung Lieu 4 weeks. Lung.To clean our all dirty snakes by shipment to them whole Earth. Within thatvperiod of time Earth people ate a lot of snakes.  

And in 2015 Dec, Big Cloud Buddha in front of whole earth face, to announce 3 Swear:

1. To save Whole Earth People come to West World.

2. To save Whole Earth people in healthy body, not practice any requests.

3.  To build up 2nd West World in Earth, to make your elderly is my elderly, your kid is my kid, that kind of Chinese Ta  Tung World.

*And why Big Cloud Buddha name be called like this way?

For 2013.2.8. In front of 3 million Taiwan local disciples,  Shakymuni announced Janabuddha be honored to be "Big Cloud Buddha". For her 2007.11.4 "33 Heaven Flyer" Achievement. Shakymuni certified she was his wife"Yetsutolo" And cured her name in 33 Heaven 大雲佛. Translated into English is Big Cloud Buddha.

*Why everyone all search for 33 Heaven, and only Big Cloud Buddha can reach?

For Big Cloud Buddha had skill to change Body to be "Cloud".And you up to heaven will be caught very fast, because you cannot like her be Cloud,  only like human look,and be sent down or cut down within 3 seconds to the ground.   

