2024年6月14日 星期五

美國的槍擊歷史中BANG BANG的紀錄

美國的槍擊歷史中BANG BANG

在地獄中的600萬位16歲以下的亡者,最後一位去投胎在2024.06.15.,20.38 p.m。這件事情由大雲佛申請哈佛大學的Dr. Scott Steel手中得到印證是所有 高中國中國小都有印象,在晨間佔用20分鐘朗誦一篇大雲佛的文章這是美國教育部長 Joy Steel所決定的,這篇文章稱做,,為何要不用槍,而且在高中國中小學的校門口上有一塊錫製鐵

BANG BANG Gun Shot in the history of America, past was
600 million dead kids under 16 years old in 1st hell, today is the last one to go to get birth on June 15, 2024, 20.38 p.m. This matter was confirmed by Dr. Scott Steel, for Big Cloud Buddha wrote an article to applied to Harvard University. And All America Senior High and Junior High or Elementary school had the deep impression that we spent 20 minutes in the morning every day last for 3 month in 2022. This issue decided by at that moment Education Department Mrs.Joy Steel .To recite an article related to Big Cloud Buddha. ,WHY HAD TO USE ,NO GUN, AND HAVE TO MAKE LAW TO PROTECT YOUNG GENERATION ? And there is a piece of  Tin Iron on the gate of the Senior High and Juinor High or Elementary School Gate. Everyday when students we walk in then we will look at it one bite.
That,s the reason we always keep in deep memory. How deep,just like what she said. Recite ABC. So fluently and smooth.

上面印著美麗的蝴蝶,印著零槍擊案 2022.01一03。就是這紀錄讓所有槍擊事件留下一個珍貴的回憶及見證美國於2022年一整年50州竟然打出漂亮的成績。僅有BANGBANG.62件,比起2020一2021,超過6,000,000件,簡直天壤之別。就是這個紀錄讓人難忘。這是大雲佛許下零槍擊案最美的成績,也是值得驕傲的紀錄

There are beautiful butterfly printed on it, and Zero Gun Shot 2022.01-03 
BCBF BIG CLOUD BUDDHA FOUNDATION.printed on it. That,s the beginning of the year.And later it is this record that allows all Gun Shot to leave a precious memory and witnesses that the 50 States in the United States have achieved excellent Record throughout 2022. There are only BANGBANG. 62 pcs throughout 50 States.Comparison with 2020-2021, there are more than 6,000,000 pcs. It is a huge difference. It is this record that is unforgettable. This is the most beautiful achievement of the Big Cloud Buddha’s made a Big Wish And promise of Zero Gun Shot and made the America people unlead to attend to achieve this aim. and it is also a record worth we should be  proud of.

甚至OHIO州 2022.09,一11連續3個月沒槍擊紀錄。其他 49州也只有1一2件紀錄,都充滿著不可思議的事情。簡直驚呆了。2023年一整年也只有 532件的紀錄。拜登總統你做到最棒的任期紀錄的總統。不要忘記背後有大雲佛這個支撐美國持續做這個紀錄的大佛。她的支持是最佳的見證。今天是公開美國人最棒紀錄的機會。

Even in OHIO state in 2022.09一11, there was no Gun Shot record for 3 Months. That was made by 2 brothers.Mr. Logson Stood & Georgia Stood.  This is 50 States Best Record. That,s why our BCBF BIG CLOUD BUDDHA Foundation provided them a Marbel FRAME  to make BEST RECORD PROVAL for both. There,s name is Other 49 States, there are only 1 or 2 Records in other 49 States and they are full of incredible things.
Simply stunned. The Record for the entire year of 2023 is only 532pcs . President Biden, you are the Best Presidential Period with the Best record in office. Don’t forget that there is the Big Cloud Buddha behind it, which supports the United States to continue to achieve this record. Her support is the Best Labotory Test,but so great and excellent . Today is your chance to reveal
America's Greatest Record.

有這個美好的紀錄作基礎,2023 我們又持續在犯案中途,被推著前進。因為大雲佛支撐著受傷人作證及亡者提供她所提出的支持著這個計畫持續進行的動力,她將撥款持續支持,一名受傷者10,000亡者1,000,000。就是這樣,讓亡者和受傷者願意出面支持接續這個階段性的任務做下去。她沒有進來但她支持。沒有忘記關心。有觀察到美國有州加入聽證會,再之後又有人演講立法是何等重要的事情,就這樣,一步步做到立法。條文通過後,她又持續提出她的意見,寶貴的意見,支持如何讓每一州都通過。就是這樣。讓50州都通過。

With this wonderful record as a basis, we continue to be pushed forward while each States kept on the crime. Because Big Cloud Buddha supports the injured people would to testify the best way in protect Young Generation was to Make Law. And from the dead family to support donation to Protect Make Law in execution action.  For she behind to support the continuation of this project, she will support, 10,000 for each injured people and 1,000,000 for the dead. That's the point , so that the dead family and injured people are willing to come forward to support the continuation of this Make Law mission. She didn’t come in but she supported it. Never forget to care. she said ,I observed that some States in the United States participated in the Hearings, and then some people lectured on how important it was to legislate, In this way, Legislation was achieved step by step. After the Hearings was passed, she continued to provide her opinions, valuable opinions, in support of how to get it passed by every 50 State. That's why. let all 50
States passed it.


As Congress passed the Federal Legislation, President Biden invited Big Cloud Buddha to read part of Article she was read in the 50 States. Then her Country President Tsai Ing-wen, be invited to read the article again. As a result, this matter was done twice.


Now that the Legislation has been passed, everyone should be grateful.
Besides the Big Cloud Buddha, let’s not forget Tsai Ing-wen, that’s all.
We should celebrate to our America to pass this Federal Legislateion and smooth in execution.
Let,s say we make it How do we make BANG BANG AWAY FROM AMERICCA LIFE.! ! !
The above.


