2022年4月20日 星期三


對於Omicron 來說,肝是對抗病毒的器官,要身體健康,除了腸胃要好,肝也要照顧好。以下是個簡單的方子,是針對肝癌或開刀切下一大塊肝的人,想要療護的方法。


對於青皮檸檬,要挑硬的,綠的,結實的,這樣的 熱茶喝起來,對新生的肝有幫助。所以肝炎或新開刀肝病病人,都應該試試看。半杯熱檸檬茶,再喝完後再加熱水一次。這個方子經過開肝癌病人何笙奇及醫生邱釋笙兩人的證實。只有一點不同何小姐茶喝的什候都是冷的放30分鐘,茶有一點澀,"就是喝"何小姐說。

Secret prescription for Liver Cancer or new Operation Liver patient

To the Earth Citizen, Omicron is staying longer than we expected.
They cover the Whole Earth every place, including : Africa Animals, and flying birds,.they all ill. So they Earth Citizen get to take good care of your body health. 
The COVID-19 this disease not only attack our Lung, but our Liver now. In America Maryland on Apr 17, 2022 had 264
had Liver organ.patients 

Here's one of very effective Prescription for several Country: Including :  Columbia, Russia, Brazil. They all liver had some figures a little bit high,had some hepatitis symptom. So, I suggested them to take the normal Lemon, to cut in half, to cut lemon 4 pcs,to use mug to drip into hot water on middle mug, half cup. To add one rubber. cup. To wait 10 minutes long. So that make sure you can get the hot lemon tea to drink. You may to add another half water, after you drink it. One day at least drink 2 half cup. If you want to improve earlier, Big Cloud Buddha suggest, drink 3-5 cups a day And here' s a Secret Prescription for those "Liver Cancer operation patient"
Or " Had Liver operation patient" wish to have a new born liver after cure method already done, i.e. some operation..

Then, try to pick up Green Skin Lemon, Very New Born Green, and Skin very firm. It will make your tea different taste. And the cure result is excellent.
Taiwan had one patient her name is Ho Shen Chi she just drank the same Green Skin Lemon tea. But drink it after 30 minutes. Until tea cold. Just drink. Each day 3-5 cups. But insist just one Lemon drink one times not to add. After 3 days later, she go back to see her opearation doctor, Dr. Chiu Si Shen, he shocked for its result. And asked her what does she do? She just told him.that's why he's very happy can certified this good news. What does her Liver check change? 
1 Her
 Liver organ skin change to.  pink color.  Her original color was dark red.

2. Her new born Liver skin just like a. baby born skin again.

3.Why just 3 days. I asked her to come back to check whether she got to cut the second times or not. I didn't expect the result so excellent.

4.Wish this can encourage a lot of same symptom patients to have confidence to try. 

