2022年4月3日 星期日

Big Cloud Buddha Top 5 Achievement English Version


Big Cloud Buudha Foundation
President & New Buddhism Founder 
Big Cloud Buddha
From Taiwan 
Gratuated from Fu Jen University 
German Department
64 years old

Here's conclusion from Nobel Prize Judges Meeting several point for Big Cloud Buddha -The Top 5 Achievement:
1. 33 Heaven, Top Heaven Buddha
2. The Only Female Buddha 
3. One Generation to be Buddha
4. New Buddhism Founder
5. Alive AMITOFO 

**What's Top Buddha?
On. Nov.4,2007 Big Cloud Buddha in front of 2 billion people eyes to fly from 32 Heaven to 33 Heaven. This was recommended by Italy Mr. Rucieno Frank Field to US UCLA University
to get one Honor Certificate to prove .

"Jana Liao, Big Cloud Buddha" is

" Best Meditator".

**What's the Only Female Buddha?
In Sutra, no matter 35 Buddha, 88 Buddha, 3,000 Buddha,10,000 Buddha , they all Male Buddha. Big Cloud Buudha is the Only Female Buddha.

**What's One Generation to be Buddha? 
1n 2007 April Big Cloud Buddha from First Fruit Heaven to Nov 4, 2007 reach 33 Heaven Only spent 7-8 months. This is an excellent Record.
Previous Record had In Tang Dynasty 迦留笙( Chia Liu Shen) , he spent 62 
years from 1st Fruit Heaven to 8th 
Heaven , that's the Shakymuni Heaven at that moment. The second examples: Ching Dynasty 幾何生(Ge Ho Shen)
He spent 72 years to reach 8th Heaven. That were the only these two Records in Sutra be written.
Comparison with Big Cloud Buddha, only spent 8months (7 months 16 
days ) to reach 33 Heaven. This is an remarkable Record.

**What's New Buddhism Founder?
Heaven had New West World in 2009 and in 2007 Hell dirt all became snake meat and soup be eaten by whole Earth Citizen. That

work was clean by Leu Yue Buddhisattva in her meditation in First hell. With Guan Guang , had 3 times saved her out from cage. She was locked by his Ancestor Guan Chin in First Hell in 2007 April. And after she came out from cage.She started to clean hell dirt. They all became snake to used steel cage to taken out one by one from hell ship by truck to harbor, and ship by container to big ship to reach every Country. So that, whole Earth Citizen no matter what ages all eaten snake meat and soup related to clean hell dirt. including pragrant baby. That's why 3000 Hell had New Central Hell name all clean, the  Creator. We called Big Cloud Buddha. For later on 2007.11.04 she reached 33 heaven. Top heaven to gain 大雲佛 in English. We called her Big Cloud Buddha. And original her buddha name is Janabuddha.

This is according to Big Cloud Buddha 2007 Achievement proved by Old heaven.

New Buddhism name approved by Buddhism Shakymuni. And it's Founder is Big Cloud Buddha.

**What's New Buddhism Founder?
To teach "speak good word, do good thing, have good heart" in Community to be a good man.To teach how's your life goal, and how to reach and upgrade your spiritual. And at last follow Big Cloud Buddha to be a beautiful cloud And meet AMITOFO in the West World. And To be a Twinkle star in the sky.

Those ancestry who was dug out from grave on the ground , and through Big Cloud Buddha swear, to be changed from ghost body to be heavenly body. And later learn how to be New West World Cloud Body.

they all got one round to enjoy it, if they had that experience, they should promise themselves every generation to do the same.
That's what Big Cloud Buddha, New Buddhism Founder chase and teaching.

**!What's Alive AMITOFO?
According to Big Cloud Buddha 3 swear:
1st Swear: To save whole Earth people come to New West World,no matter what kind of religion.what kinds of color you are, what kind of Country you're from, what you need is " get to like Big Cloud Buddha" and AMITOFO" and willing to be both disciples. And recite 100 times NAMOAMITOFO to pass the New Heaven Gate.Willing to be New Buddhism disciples. Follow New Vow.

2nd Swear: To save whole Earth people to have a good body health.away from Big heart, Big lung Big liver, away tibet religion request suffering.

3rd Swear: To build up 2nd West World on the Earth , make your elderly is my elderly, your kids is my kids. That kind of Ta Tung World.

According to Sutra, I Swear as Sutra teaching. And I already within 2 years 
successfully done to save Earth disciples come to West World 3 times. 
That's why if you want to come to New West World - heaven . Think of Big Cloud Buddha your wish come true possibility can higher than others.
Each year, Big Cloud Buddha would through 1st Hell to pick up those pass New Buddhism New Vow disciples, after they do the donation US$100. Then , Big Cloud Buddha would see when is best time for them to send. Usually, one year only 2 times : one is April 05, the other is Lunar July 15.
Usually we pick up can through 1st fruit heaven cloud people to come to West World. They can pass meant their guilty is less. And also recite a lot of

NAMOAMITOFO. They naturally easy to get the heavenly body, from previous experience, change human ghost body to heavenly body, and later to be cloud body stay in the New West World. And becomes a blue sky star.


