2022年3月5日 星期六


 Star history: ancestry history

        send total. Over 72 billion.     
        people ancestry come to 
        West world dug them out from.     
        grave on the ground, and later 
        cleaned their body dirt. 
        And changed their body to
        be heavenly body. And later await 
        to. Life and Death God pick them 
        up at that.time in the 4th heaven 
        AMITOFO New West World. And 2015 02.05

started get in Heaven.Gate 

        had to recite NAMOAMITOFO 
        100 times.
2016 And say hello to their offspring.       
          all." I am In the New West World."

Besides, find a lot of relatives in there.

Father, Mother, sister, brother, colleuge,

classmate, dearest lover
2017. Pay US$10 to Big Cloud Buddha
          Total over 52 billion Earth people paid.

Over 627 Country.
2021 Sep 05-20 fall on the Sky 
         over 732, 231,651 stars.
         Concentrate in falling from the 
         Sky. related Nasa reported.

Within 3 years, Sky all of sudden

to add cover 700billion stars. After

check with Big Cloud Buddha Nada
got the information where are they
from. That real confirm Big Cloud Buddha
teaching after you passed away, you may
be cloud and star if you come to New
West World
2022 join in 50% ancestry suicide their

         offspring, who request to add 
         their name in long list. For they
         felt guilty they didn't pay. One 
         dollars and got the chance to be
         cloud & star. From 3 months ago.

2022.02 fell over 9,000,000 stars within 2 days.
All for long list concern and hurt too hard.
Cannot stay in the sky any more. But when
they first thing fell on the ground to speak
with Big Cloud Buddha was" you forgot to
send Oxygen Scient, so we can not hanging.
In the sky to be stars , only can fall.
Big Cloud Buddha told them because of Earth
Up Cover O3 broken, down Ocean No fish. It's
A big challenage age. Oxygen not enough to


Execution Result
Big Cloud Buddha keep. My SWEAR
to save Earth people come to West World.

