2022年3月23日 星期三

How to live at recent age?


Here's the question from America Citizens write nails to ask me, what's your opinion, if you were me? 

1.How to face Biden not honest? What. Am we take action? What do you think?

2. I dont agree two Presidents done. How to take action? What do you think? 

3. How to live? All cheating. Tell us how? 

4. How to take action? Especially under Your. Country Leader is 18 hell? How to act? Tell us how? 

5. How to act is true? Teach us how?

6. What do you think of to be alive can be taught young Generation? What to be a parent to be? 

7. What do you think to be a Buddha can treat them? How to act next step? Just like what you say you don't know how to stop ghost want to kill human desire? How to face we're alive? Teach us how? 

Big Cloud Buddha response:

1. If yours President became  honest, then no matter how, encourage him. Especially when he decide to return mail. Because we pay him each mail US$0.5. Each months spent over US$2,000,000.

2. We should work together to fight those wrong action back. No matter its from hell or from heaven. Try to judge them when they're wrong. And protect those correct voice. For their list skill of old tricky. They all not exist. They all dead. They all gone. No body can use it any more. No matter how they recall it. Those Rinpoche and Lama all gone. Their tricky all passed away. Not exist. Those scients all gone. Others all Don't understand how to use it. They all in Chinese 陣亡( die on war field) Cannot use any more. That's it.

3. Since tricky all gone. Taiwan strength are very less. If we can persuade those witch not exist. Then the world peace. 

4 In the States, try to set Law for your Gun Shot. To have Hearing in Each States. Be careful for kids back to like arms. 
Don't buy car for not over 16 years. It's very dangerous for drive car so young age. 
Don't smoke drags( poison) for kids should grow healthy.  To and get some part- time work. Don't just stay at home. Work won't came in automatically. Besides, recent not good for Economic, just stay one wages work, and look for another good salary better. 

5. In Taiwan , we need more Party and policeman and Soldiers and more Citizen 
more stronger and tougher to against Executive Party. Tsai was in Executive Party occupied a lot of sources. We know how to fight with her request to those her Executive party to less work for Her now.
For she let Taiwanese lost their life too many. And hard to save them back. We against her naturally.

