2022年3月8日 星期二

日本歧玉縣 Japan Saitama Story





Japan Saitama story

History Background: 

Naruhito Emperor when he's Prince period, one day, he spoke with me, he showed me Saitama that area scene.
He felt so pity because that area seemed good to use in Big Cloud Buddha eyes later. So that Big Cloud Buddha used 3 weeks to develop, and the latest scene is what right now everyone see how in Saitama area. 
Why she didn't ask any donation? Because in Big Cloud Buddha thinking, I do agree to take the donation right away. But in long run, I would like to see the Citizen and visitors their sigh. " It's so beautiful"  let's take a good photo. And the Citizen would take this change be written as story to teach in School. And let every students not over 7 years old kids already started to know Big Cloud Buddha work for their County work. And be willing to close to me, to listen to my teaching. That's more than donation important. And if not, the usage bridge can be used my called"少陽橋" to be name. And it would be better than any money to be more value. Why called Chinese 少陽 two word. In chinese, 少陽 meant young Generation Sun. That just to memorize down what's this relationship both Naruhito Prince and Big Cloud Buddha. And I do like this place every well. So whenever had news in Japan, I heard 歧玉縣, I wonder.what status it will be. And I found recently, here Citizen are so worried about this nearby area increase some Car Accidents. Big Cloud Buddha wonder whether I can use to changed Bridge name to be some helpful of. this status? Maybe can like before in other Country, all poor record all changed to be "ZERO" . I real look forward to see the changes of figures. Wish this expectation will be happen.
Manage case status:
1.Small mountain became small hill.

To plant some trees in order can keep water
locked in land, can forbid running mountain
case happened again.

  Because of this running mountain case 

  to cause 3 house be covered in mud, 8. 

   persons dead. Until 3 days later 

    managed well.

2. Spend some maintain dollars to keep original beautiful scene -sun rise & sun 
set. Usual is sun set.  Spend dollars in cutting this slender reed. Then to make those natural environment beautify again. Then the pretty scene will be back.
3. Elementary school books written Big Cloud Buddha story she build up for 歧玉縣 before and after photo. Those kids all love her
4.歧玉縣 kids 鳩十生, 8 years old. died young for COVID-19. But smooth get birth by Big Cloud Buddha arrangement. Family all very happy.

5. Regarding the stop to increase 

Car Accident part. Please add in 

street some of the rubber band on the ground, to stop car driver swift driving speed, and later to use feet to step on brake to test brake sharp or not and stop car speed. That can forbid a lot of car accident caused. 

6. The most important caused accident were local people usual thought it's 少陽橋,but found it's not. It became spilt their concentration. That's why they all willing to change it back to called 
 7.And also to add some street stand mirrors to reflection the different direction of car coming, can forbid 
two car hit together.

Wish this several  method can be helpful in reduce car accident happened again.According to Scient Protectors. estimate it take 4 weeks to do every equipment make up.

And regarding all of sudden to write 
this article to mention to change 
" Bridge"name, is related to 
Naruhito Emperor strong hint request.
Wish this adding method can make him

And local people feeling happy.

