2021年6月19日 星期六

COVID-19 Patient Change Report


In  India had AZ+COVAX  two kinds of 

Vaccinate Shots taken patients , after to

take 2nd  kind COVAX, their body condition 

become excellent. Almost out from hospital

just 3 days later. According to Big Cloud Buddha 

private observation, the First beginning their

body through AZ Vaccinate shot to get into their 

Lung branch bubble better and nose smooth

But hold only can last 5 days. After add another

COVAX shot, their Lung bubble bigger and heart

beaten stronger. That's why in India Area, Modi 

decide to take Cocktail shot-- AZ FIRST + COVAX 

SECOND (india- Delta Virus)

In London, after taken AZ. Vaccinate  shot. 

Their Lung Bubble still flat, but through 

Vaccinate their Lung Branch Bubble  stronger, 

can make them nose smooth. And if take 2 

times  AZ Vaccinateshot, it can be their LUNG 


EXIST. (here's Alpha Virus)

This is through private observation, to get

into normal people body to observe.

And there had 3 patients died in the 2nd AZ

Vaccinate shot. After Big Cloud Buddha check m 

their body, to find they all died in   6 billion 兆

Scients Lung Bubble Broken , broken their 

body bubble. Not so simple cases. 

Their death main reason is against some of

"Support Big Cloud Buddha"group.Their Heaven 

Leader is Sung Si Miao(孫思邈). I wish those 

supporter don't do it again.Just d I will in

Correct meditation.

Recent Report:


The latest news us India tried to adjust their

Vaccinate shot Order as: 

1. COVAX. 2. AZ 

They found that more suitable for India local

people. Reported by Modi. India Prime


