2019年9月1日 星期日

Psychiatry Doctor Death

Six Psychiatry department doctors faced death, because in their expert field experience, they had the same judge for President Tsai Ing Wen was ghost, not man. According to her languages from her lips, she spoke with Psychiatry department manager Dr. Chou Yuan Hua. And after manager discussed with 5 department colleagues, they all had the same point of view.

Why six doctors faced death?
Because Department manager faced this kind of condition not one time, were several times. They after work hour, even had this subject to exchange each other opinions.
Department manager said"President Tsai
talked in front of me, to say "I'm ghost, I shouldn't show up here, even in President
Hall". In the first time,  manager thought
she probably doesn't know what she said,
she had confused. But, later on several times, she still repeat the same subject , same language. That made him very worried and asked her why she got to tell him. She responded"For I have nobody to talk this".

The situation became complicated, for one
person joined, he was Chairman of DDP. Mr. Zou (卓)He's a cruel and cold person. And also joined a lot of people in, the situation became more and more "complicated. They even made a very cold blooded decision - to kill six doctors. Because they found they would tell the truth in front of   citizens. Besides they insisted to do so.

They six same Department colleagues were locked into Police Management Bureau (警備總部) basement. First Floor. For over 3 months, before I received their asked for "help".

The First month passed, one doctor called "
Tsu She Pin(修生平) was dead. His body condition was not good, that's the reason why. And other five doctors bodies were better than the first one, their name were below:
Chou Yuan Hua(周元華)

How they were torched? It was  high electricity volt through their bodies.It
shocked me. I didn't know how to describe my feeling. For the check information about their bodies condition was very poor. It's
hard to refixed well. It was  terrible.
For my expert background, I seldom faced
this case.

How to make their got the help to out from
lock? Through old relationship, I found I
probably can count on ex President Chen
Hsui Ban(陳水扁). He promised to help them
however, cannot last too long. They also were looking forward to ask for "on Air"
reporting. He tried very hard to find his helper- FORMOSA TV( 民視)

And later, they were sent back to lock. I tried to find second helper - ex Superior
General -Controlled Police Management
Bureau before, General Yiu(游將軍), to help them to out for arrangement. After persuaded several times,
he asked his assistant Colonel to write one message to his old working place, to ask them to help them out, but got to go back within 24 hours.

One hand I contacted General Yiu to see whether his assistant done or not, the other hand to check on Department manager Chou
time was enough for them?

After arrangement, they five doctors say on Taipei Veteran General Hospital big area, faced to record  their language to all citizens.
They opened the fact, what they heard from President Tsai, she was ghost from her lips, and accepted by their expert judgement:
She's not human. And another  two Death Cerficate of President Hall doctor's hands-Dr. Chou Wu Hsiung(周武雄).The two party all certified she's dead.
And another on the scene witness was one Monk,he said:According to Big Cloud Buddha language, she taught us, we're created by God, and whole earth creatures
all have the "Samara". It meant to face four period: to get birth, to get older, to get I'll, to die.
And now, through a group of religious people, used "request"to control man "Samara" difference, they jumped out from hell to live like their alive. The truth were
they used "request"to make them to have a covered body, to cover their death status.
To make live on the ground people cannot tell the difference from alive or dead. Only through doctor examination, to check whether this man to breathe , to have blood plus, to have blood pressure or not, so that
man can tell this man is alive or not. If not, through normal eyes, you can not easily to see the difference. Besides, passed away people won't eat or shit.

It would happen to see our relatives back
after to hold their funeral several months,
or even several weeks. It was Shakymuni's
teaching, he called " Empty"Geh.

Empty Geh meant included to check in Sutra, you cannot find any solution for
happened in recent generation.

And after forty minutes record, the five doctors were sent back to lock area, to face struggle for their live, to get breathe. At last, although they succeeded to get their words  to put in record, but still lost their lives.  I cannot help to ask what's wrong with Taiwan? We're democratic country, why we can't tell the truth to each other. Do we have to face the same situation if we don't
speak out loud to the world? please let me know your opinion.

Big Cloud Buddha
written in Taipei, Taiwan
Sep 2019

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