2021年9月15日 星期三



According to Sep 23,2021

Taiwan local THE LIBERTY TIMES News to show that 

Big Cloud Buddha to had work on Sep 13,2021.to take some. Action at 09:30 a.m.that action real effective on Earth every

Country to reduce COVID-19 patients one week 10%, and this record within 2 months. ever happened.The above is the Newspaper Report Title


Below is the report:

On Sep 13,2021 at 09:30 a.m.

All of sudden, Big Cloud Buddha found those COVID-19 Delta disease all from Human hands made pull them out from 4 billion hell, and through Big Cloud Buddha to work with India Prime Minister Modi experience, those "Alpha"disease came from 5000 billion heland how did  come up to the ground.All from human without meditation knowledge, to lead by unknown people.Both all without meditation experience, simply pull those unknown creature out from unknown place. And didn't know how to take the next step, and unknown creature lost patience, and hunger to live, but they all ghost, breath Co2(Carbon Oxygen 2) that's the reason, they be forced to broken human lung bubble to breath. Just this reason, suddenly a group of people all be broken lung bubble badly. And be sent to hospital. breathe hard in their broken lung bubble condition. But cannot find another better way to make both human and unknown place coming up creatures to stay together. Only count on Air Tank to breath Oxygen to have a better live status.

That's the what we know" lung bubble Broken" alpha disease condition. Almost all of the patients in the hospital lying on bed ill worse , all this style. According to Nurse station hand written note they 

All had one thing in common, they all practice Tibet religion request. Besides they recently all pull out from hell

5000 billion 兆 hell strange thing came out . and kept them next to them quite a period of time didn't take second action. So the strange creature jump into their body to take their breathe away. Why? For they hunger to live on the ground, but they breathe was CO2( Carbon Oxygen 2).They be forced to suicide pull them out person life.Because they expect they would knew how to resolve next step. But until the patients passed away, he still didn't know just send them back.So simple.

And the worse most thing. was if their lung bubble be broken several times. Their brain would be marked as that unknown creature places to bring to. That's the main reason, the Earth people not only get the strange disease , name'alpha", but after they passed away, the first hell , usually hell officer would say Somebody reach hell. But they lost. As we know, they be brought to their brain mark place. And as Big Cloud Buddha work with India Modi experience, we found that Vaccinate shot AZ can cure human brain this part well.Can forbid to be taken to that place.

That's another good result for Doctor creation to help human body good evidence .

And within India Modi working experince,I found a big Secret of human disease. At that moment, whole Earth already scare to death about "Delta" virus changes. But I spoke to Modi : it's lighter. Not so heavy. It doesn't matter.Because through meditation observe, we found people scare to pull so deep hell creature to come to the ground. They all pull lighter hell, the figure is closer ground. But they still don't know how to resolve the meditation next step. " they only know pull them out or up" But what's next? What's next? Nobody teach? 

And I can see the scene showed in front of me was" the pulling up creatures is standing one side of oneself body. Usually all stand on left side." almost all the same." because, they are not like previous one so deep hell hunger for breath so much. That's why they all peacefully stood there quite long and they can make the patients easier to pass than the " alpha" Style. So, "Delta" disease is easier to control than " alpha"  especially, through Vaccinate shot.

But, what' s today Big Cloud Buddha like to tell each one of you that " don't have to worry " it's end now. Because, so many parents are worried about the Young Generation are going to line up with Vaccinate shot.  However, why so strange it become they started get illmore and more.  What's going on? Who can help us? A lot of parents helpless to pray. For they watch TV, school open one or two days. Close over 5 -14 days. All family all

 busy run in and out for school to send kids to school and later unknown reason to pick them back home. All busy like a No head fly."On ? On?" or "Off ? Off?" 

They just take the motor bike drive like a flying bee, but later receive the message from school, come and take their kids back! "A"? Again? 

Now, Big Cloud Buddha want to open to them whole Earth parents, don't have to live like bees so busy.


I spent time to send them back?! That's the main reason?!  How many people learn to pull those unknown creature up to the ground so many times. So long, but the key next step, how to resolve the unknown ghost trouble, nobody reach ?! How?! And where?! 

Big Cloud Buddha didn't know in front of your faces to speak with them , to send them back. To use my strength to do this well. But , you all the beginner , do this to pull something up or out action, all from curious what will it be, if you take the same Action.That's why you all after be seen several times, and be putting to take a strange action to see what's going to be. That's the point , you all just like to be set up to accept somebody teaching to try 1-2 times. To see what's the result? 

Nevertheless, the quantity of people to join all of sudden , it shock the heaven. That's the feeling to influence the Earth all human body just like all to catch cold. For too big quantity. And the longer the strange creature stayed in the ground, the more Earth animal catch cold. For the strange scients caused the different areadisease in Earth. That doctors unlearned before. 

As the report written, the first "alpha" patients is from British. And after" beta and gamma, now "Delta" is from India. As I observed Earth can seperate into 2 kinds. One is British inhabitant like related British Country, Australia, Canada, India "Delta" attacked British inhabitant is from COVID-19 in Earth developed a period of time. That's the reason, it naturally happened from India 

And today what I did is to send all hide in Earth people "Delta"  disease scient all back to original places. 

They all hide in patients body, and came out after Big Cloud Buddha to request them out. And they really all out from human body, and I just asked them all back and don't come any more. They all agreed.

That's the reason why Dalta patients less and less Original how come the quantity only 600,000. And one day, one of them learned to use on the ground request" make it two"  and within several months it became over 4,000 times. All from that messy used this "request". 

I announced to all scients from now on, unless to find the user is " Big Cloud Buddha" if not, not allow to make this dharmarequest " make it two" effective.

This is a messy usage of dharmarequest result.  This period of time to make Earth people panic, and ill part, Old Heaven cannot forbid to have responsibility to resolve this disease happen reason. Thanks Heaven, at last, we did find the reason, and send those disease scient back, they usually from close ground place scient. The truth we called it scient to showed in front of us, they all from unknown place unknown creature- usually they're from hell, they're ghost. And they stayed into human body, how come it won't cause any kind of strange disease. Because their quantity were quite a lot. And on the ground never found this kind of creatures before, that's the reason it's to make doctors all headache. They don't understand this kind of disease, for they're different from what they learned before.

They're all busy in finding the solution to resolve the disease. For it's a New Ill! New Type of Disease. We called it COVID-19. and

got to face New Way of medicine to face it.So all Pharmacy  Corporation real all busy in developing New Medicine. At last, to create a Vaccinate Shot to stop it.

And Big Cloud Buddha found the beginning cause this disease reason were from " Meditation Error" How to stop it. Only to stop using wrong meditation to your life environment. Your body. And for the beginner of Meditation, now , you know

"Meditation would caused alive and death Trouble" not as what you thought so simple, just do or join so simple action.For it will cause your body ill or sick. And for unknown beginner, didn't have any knowledge of Meditation, won't find the result were so terrible, not as what they expected so simple.

Including to learn the Correct Meditation have to have the correct Master in leading: to make you to have a correct conception in your searching,  if not any wrong action will cause unknown result in the future. That's just like what's we heard that result as below:

To pull out from 5,000 billion 兆 hell scient And to cause human to have New disease - broken lung bubble in their lung organ. And to make their brain to be marked some hurt part. So after they passed away, they were missing on the ground , not stayed in first hell as what we often heard soul to be with after dead. And reported by hell officer, the Earth people total missing 7000 million dead people not in first hell. They be predicted to be taken to 5000 billion 兆 hell. For they all got that kind of Meditation record before they're dead.Their family members can prove this. Some even got the hospital nurse station written record. That's why Big Cloud Buddha persuade those New Chasing Meditation practicer. If you want to get involved with New Meditation had better do several test as below:

1. To make sure this New.                          Meditation Leader background.

2. To make sure what you're chasing for Meditation. This will bring you to different result. If you're a greedy and very strong desire chaser. I suggest

You find a smooth way in your Meditation. Don't jump into a fast result way Meditation, it won't bring any good result. It will hurt your body organ first, second it will influence your future die in a different place not as what you expect to be.

This is a basic thinking of joining any kind style of Meditation. It would caused good or poor result we don't know. But at least

to be a good man " to speak good word, to do good thing, to have a good heart" is a basic basis of a human to be. That's Big Cloud Buddha think.


Execution Result as local. THE LIBERTY TIMES On Sep 23,2021

This is proof that the upper action caused one week reduced 10%-patients. This is the first times to have within 2 months.


