2021年9月15日 星期三

Cariban latest News

Sep 09,2021

Administration Chief Mr. Sekijawa Mohanmode

kept writing mails to World Bank to ask them release their locken in their hands of 

Cariban donation saving in World Bank. Actually it's from President Biden request them to take this locken action. 


Because America in his track back to their Country Action not as smooth as they expected. That's the main reason.

What's the next step? 

Whose pray for Cariban had a peaceful life.. Then, it would win. Behind this Big Cloud Buddha did take several steps for their future plan:

1. She did think why the same land. Cannot produce oil? That's the reason, in the first beginning, she already provide Cariban to plan to dig oil team for their land. For what 

caused 911 reason was from Biladen worried that their oil price under America businessman hands. He planned to attack them first to warn them don't control. However, it did bring Afahan Country Oil business from then on be used in other Arabia Country hands in very less commission price. That's the reason to make this dessert Country had nothing to sell, nothing than this product to do a good business with other Country. So that cannot bring their Country fast rich in income, and become a poor Country.

So, after Big Cloud Buddha got involved first

she's worried that another War was going to begin. That's why she suggested each Country Leader to donate US$100 million to Cariban Team. And it real like a miracle happened within one hour later, Cariban Team did receive 6 Countries Donation. It meant they received US$600 million dollars.They are from: China, Japan, Germany, British, Swiss, and Sweden. They're all full of "pray for World Peace" conception, that's why they take that action very fast, whenever they heard Big Cloud Buddha suggestion. That brought Cariban Team Leader General so happy. For they didn't have to worry without money to get food or stuff any more. If not, Cariban Team won't discuss with their opposite Government soldiers to surrender immediately to hands up to them, after they knew their President escaped to other Country.

And through those donation, Cariban General started to think of how to do the business with those donators Country Leader, each US$100million Behide have a long term plan to dig their Country Oil to do business again.

