2021年8月3日 星期二

Why America Gun cases Precious?

Here's my request  support from one 

Professor mail, inner had very details 

described how's everything process in 

America Education Children Forbid 

them to Use Gun Work, wish you to 


To: Hovard University Dr. Scott Steel.


President Big Cloud Buddha

Aug 02, 2021

Dear Professor Dr. Steel ,

How are you?

Thank you for your support about In America

 Education Children to Forbid to Use Gun Work.

Attached please find AIT mail invitation.

May we invite you to come to the Celebration

Location to present your Speech about your

Feeling about Big Cloud Buddha this person.

I really feel I need you to support my action.

Because it's from Report start, not from Meditation action begin. It's stand on scientific background true Report point of view, not only from Meditation acting that kind of invisible acting to speak to hear to influence people. It's true from word to type Report develop. Everything is reachable. It's touchable. It's belong to human world.

Not so up to heaven invisible world. Please 

I need you to prove my action it's true exist. 

You're valuable Professor to prove me.

Thank you for your recommend my Report to 

President Biden, so that had so many incredible thing happen , incl. O case in 50 States. It's a miracle safe and security environment for Children to live on. I'm so glad it do happen before school open,before Summer vacation over. Let's meet together, Will you accept my invitation arrangement? I'll ask President Biden or Police department Chief Mr. Shield first. I wish everything will smooth. And we'll meet each other. Thank you again.

Best regards,

Big Cloud Buddha

Related background article in this blog:

America Each States To make Gun Law

