2021年8月13日 星期五

New Buddhism Announcemebt


New Buddhism only Mahayana.


According to our traditional meeting with
Buddhism Shakymuni and First Fruit Ancestors to Forth Fruit Ancestors decision:
They all agreed that's Thai King System and
Myramar Hinayana System all broken and 
they all accepted that Hinayana Buddhism from  now on is not exist. And 33 Heaven Central Buddha be with on the ground 4-Body Top Buddha Big Cloud Buddha announced together: 
New Buddhism only Mahayana.

On 08/14/2021 New Definition to add on:

What's "no Hinayana" definition mean:
No new disciple, No new donation, No new teaching. No new Buddha statue order.
No new disciple allowed to accept.
No new donation allowed to offer.
No new teaching allowed from them.
No new Buddha statue order for them.

Why Big Cloud Buddha request old Buddhism to join to stop to cancel Hinayana? 
Because Big Cloud Buddha respect the traditional System. That's allow Old System 
people to EXPTESS their opinion.And since they all agreed to cancel. And according to 
New Buddhism supporters through Buddhism scholarship , those University 
Professors all agreed to do this action.
It meant in nowadays research field the
Scholars abandon to research Hinayana 
Report. That's why with scholars support
We had new definition to add on.

written by 
Big Cloud Buddha Foundation President & 
New Buddhism Founder
Big Cloud Buddha
On 08/14/2021 01:24 a.m.

To add on New definition time 08/14/2021,18:14p.m.

