2021年8月4日 星期三

Successful Case in ZERO GUN SHOT

To Apply For Buddha Master Certificate of Howard University Certificate Center


Successful case

50 States Police Station "Zero" Gun Case, real happen Now.It's a miracle.

Who made it? Big Cloud Buddha.She taught children ABC."No Gun" Conception 

The effect:

**a.Thanks for UN President Mr. Genorado promise to print" Variyana Buddha Big Cloud Buddha" that made everybody had a deep memory what Big Cloud Buddha done.

**b.Thank you for Education department Chief Ms Joy Steel and Police department Chief Mr. George Shield:Thank you for your two well prepared to honor Big Cloud Buddha Award. It represent Community honor and respect to Big Cloud Buddha what I done for America Citizen.

**c.Thank you for President Biden your honor Big Cloud Buddha as a" Best Citizen" Metal honor. For I did a "Good Job" in America - Mexico less immigrant Case. I believe I had this honor. .

And I also had another "Special Honor" represent for appreciation from every States Kids and Parents happiness and joyful to show their Love for this New Case" Zero Gun Shot Cases" in America .

Thank you again !


**d.Thank you for Harvard University Certificate. Center Dr. Scott Steel,without your recommedation,

without this chance to work for America Children to forbid to Use Gun Work. It's amazing ! Thanks for your bring me the good chance !

**e.Thank you for provide me chance to work for you, America Kids and Parents. Without your need to knowHow many of previous passed away kids Family crying for their lost kids heartbroken pray. Then without Big Cloud Buddha show in front of. your faces.


**f.Thank you for counting all together how many cases heavenly team chief, without your kind assistance, then we don't know past 3 years each year had over 50,000 Gun shot cases happen in 50 States Police Station Record.

**g.Thank you Big Cloud Buddha Heavenly Team Good Work, without your Good teaching, without Now 50 State "Zero" Gun Shot Cases in each Police Station Record. To make every Police Officer all take easy to pass all day long.

**h.To thank for Sixth Elementary Principal Mrs. Sixth your Good Knowledge to match .Big Cloud Buddha teaching :A- Don't Bring Gun. B- Don't Use Gun. C- No Gun.To make Kids and Adults learn ABC faster.

**i.To thank for All Kids and Parents 

Your Good Family Work to keep on teach what's ABC to make Kids Recite deadly remember. Besides,Real execute in their Action." It Works ".It made whole Country become a Clean Gun Shot Country. It's a Miracle!

"Zero" GUN SHOT How Comes?.

6-7 days became Every day!

It's A Amazing World!? How to say 

"Thank You! Big Cloud Buddha! Please 

show up in front of us" said Police 

department Chief. Mr. Shield.

Not within Seconds, please show up to 

accept our appreciation!We love you!"

Without YOUR "I'll keep on doing until it do happen in America" that sentence to shock Hovard University Dr. Scott Steel and President Biden. Then Without today Good Record! That meant Big Cloud Buddha

strong intention and concern to America Kids.


What push Big Cloud Buddha to make this thing happen so strong intention? Because. Big Cloud Buddha can hear that crying and praying sincerely from being Gunshot dead. 

kids parents heartbroken prayer. They deep and sincere pray for " No Gunshot"  to open again in School or any place in America.

That's the reason Big Cloud Buddha push so hard got to make something done before School open, and before Summer Vacation over. That deadline is definite for sure. That push President Biden work with Big Cloud Buddha so hard together.

1. President Biden asked how:Big Cloud Buddha response check 50 States "Make Law" system to see How to make Gun Law. Useless? NO way?

2. President Biden be asked to check Federal Law System how to make Gun law happen? Headache problem? Over 100  years No cases.

At last, 33 Heaven Big Cloud Buddha

found to teach from basic knowledge will be useful. So that she used Heavenly Team Chief. to work with kids , to teach them repeat "Everyday recite ABC" to remember No Gun This basic rule.

It works! 

After Recite several round for ABC,every Kids remember very strong .besides, to add they will keep doing until their whole life. And to make adults strong deep impressive sentence A- Don't bring Gun, B-Dont use Gun, C-No Gun" So that "Zero Gun Shot" do happen.

It's a Miracle Country. We love America so much. So clean, so peaceful, so happy. Thank you President Biden. Without your in a hurry pushing to work with every places. Then thing won't be so fast happen. So great!So efficient !?


Big Cloud Buddha Foundation President & New Buddhism Founder:

Big Cloud Buddha

Written in Taipei Don Men, Taiwan. 


Execution Result:

1. 08/07/2021

Harvard University on 08/07/2021 sent Buddha Master Certificate to Big Cloud Buddha. Be mis-sent to Taiwan President Hall. Now, I keep in UN President Mr. Genorado Office, back of his chair.

2. 08/11/2021

Harvard University Dr. Scott Steel spoke and support. Big Cloud Buddha to use in America "Hurray Team and Songs" to build up relationship with Big Cloud Buddha and Young Generation. He wish in the future Big Cloud Buddha will travel to the States to keep the "Zero Gun Shot" Temperature higher.

3. Sep 03,2021

According to Shakymuni description, he cannot stand it any more. Because whole America didn't get one true appreciate Big Cloud Buddha work.

At last on Sep 03,2021 in Washington D.C.. happened again one gun shot cases. That caused 1 death 3 injury case. So, close the "Zero" gun shot record. It still not open to the world this big excellent record happened in Americas.

(written record on Sep 09,2021.)


Those in hell cries for tears over 150,000

numbers of kids after Hell Officer certified

they all to get birth totally,they did it after "Zero"Gunshot Record in America came out 7 days.

They all satisfied to choose to get birth.

America people we wish you would pray for those Execution truth keep on Good Record, And don't forget behind had Big Cloud Buddha and those in Hell kids hard work for Your Young Generation.To add on Sep 30,2021.

Execution Result:

For President Biden with VP Ms Harris case added in America, cannot forbid to use Gun to resolve their cases problem. In order to increase Police Station Bureau record cannot held "Zero" Gunshot any more.

We hold it over 3 months. And ended in Oct 05,2021.

(written in Oct 07,2021)

Review on Feb 23, 2022.

Big Cloud Buddha introduction attached


