2020年11月26日 星期四


>Big Cloud Buddha Foundation Founder: Big Cloud Buddha Big Cloud Buddha was born in 1958.Taipei My true name: Liao Jana Graduated from Fu Jen University, German Department. Taiwan Big Cloud Buddha name is from 2007 Nov 4, One called Janabuddha fly through 33 Heaven, and be honored by Buddhism Founder, Shakymuni, provided name. This achievement is included as several outstanding background inside. He not only took me as his 34 Generation disciple. Besides, certified me as his wife: Yatsutolo. Another One is One Generation to be Buddha. Those Two Buddha certified Her this Achievement. One name is幾何笙 (Gi Ho Shen), the other one is 迦留生(Chia Liu Shen), those all spent whole life to be Buddha. But Big Cloud Buddha from First Fruit Heaven to Top 33 Heaven only spent over 7 months complete it. That’s an excellent record. How come I can be had this Top Achievement? From 2000, I travelled to India to learn from Tibet College Kenpo about 7 Sit base. And stayed there 2 months long. I not only majored In Tibet Religion but also majored in Zen Religion quite several years. Back through from my creation with Zen Dharma, the most impressive for the whole earth people as disciples to practice was: Triangle dharma, that made even 3 months baby had strength to join. And now he still had deep memory on this. Not to mention, the first one on earth each people right hand 2nd finger “Rose” dharma in 2000. 2002 From President Chen Shiu Ban hands ,Dalai Lama Taipei Office provided me “ Losang Dorje Jana Lama” and the same year from First Fruit Heaven Kwon Chin Monk and Forth Fruit Heaven Tai Shu Master hands they both provided “ up Ja down Na Dharma Teacher” to inherit 46 Generation Zen Master Seat in the First Fruit Heaven. This is what my “Janabuddha” name came from reason. 2005 I sent Ing Shun Teacher to First Fruit Heaven, used “ Turn Half Earth” dharma, and the same year, I sent different Religion Cathedral Pope Paul John to First Fruit Heaven, used “heart point flying” dharma over 20 minutes to reach original saved for myself in the First Fruit Heaven Seat. That’s the reason why over 2007 after I succeeded to fly to 33 Heaven, became Top Buddha. West World would rebuilt in my Hands to accept so many different Religion people, came to West World. All because this begin. That made the first step to have New Buddhism basic Conception, not only Buddhism, also other Religion involved. New Buddhism got this name from Buddhism Founder, Shakymuni’s permission. With his approval to say : Big Cloud Buddha is New Buddhism Founder .” And have other Four Religion get involved to set up the Eight Discipline (Vows). Other Four Religion are: Christ, Cathedral, Daoism, Muslin. And Founder: Big Cloud Buddha. to set up it in 2013, and now take it as New Vow: What’s New Vow: I. No cheat, No lie II. No steal III. No mix sleep with 3,4,5,6 people, only sleep with 2 people, we support marriage. IV. Less drink of wine, don’t be drunk driver, if not, cannot come to West World (Heaven). V. Love your country. VI. Clean your body, deep meaning, clean your heart. VII. Don’t speak ill of others. VIII .No killing. Big Cloud Buddha has Three Swear: i. To save whole earth people come to West World, be New Buddhism disciple, to respect Big Cloud Buddha. And had to follow New Vow.besides, no hurt Big Cloud Buddha. ii To save whole earth people away from Big heart, Big liver, Big stomach, Big lung, and also other diseases, from Tibet Religion Requests, that’s what I called artificial request. iii To build up the “Happily and Merely World” Zen world on . Earth again. To help whole earth to have a peace environment. To have 2nd West World on the earth. Big Cloud Buddha also to be President of Big Cloud Buddha Foundation What’s the main direction of Big Cloud Buddha Foundation There are 5 directions: i.Education: teaching the people about theory of New Buddhism. How to sit. How to breath counting. How to have the debate Meditation. Recite Sutra, Singing Sutra, Dharma weapons learning, and also all kinds of Ceremony. II. Charity Tasks: join the volunteers Group work, like orphans interview Elderly people speaking with, disable people take Good care, and also blind people leading, and other Activities arrangements, international volunteers work Join. And also donation to support COVID 19 Country: As Spain, Brazil, Columbia (to use each Earth Citizen Each US$50 to support them to Nutrition) United States EUR145,000 (for 20,000pcs Air Tank support) III. Big Cloud Buddha Prize: To set up Big Cloud Buddha Prize in order to memorize Big Cloud Buddha to fly through 33 Heaven that Achievement, and wish to lead next generation to follow this up forward spiritual, so that to held this Prize Ceremony day on each year Nov 4, Big Cloud Buddha Memorial Day to meet Prize Owners. In 2020:it had two kind of Competition One Invention Competition: From those 60 Germany Red Point Owner, through Blue Belt Prize & British Prize Judges gate to pick up the last excellent Top Winner. And separate into 3 Item: now had open 2020 Winner: Practical Medical Care Item: 1st Champion Wang Chen Eh Practical Lighting Item: 1st Champion Shen Zu Shin Practical Mechanic item: 1st Champion Liu Shiu Chu 2020 Gold & Silver Crown Competition From those different Country Gold Smith 6 Applicants through 3 Excellent Brand Designer Judge i.e. Boulve, Calvin Klein, Louis Vuitton. To Pick up one 2020 Winner: Mr. Steven Eddies. And Foundation plan to keep on doing all kind of Competition in Each Countries, wish can have a good influence in every field. Arts in Italy Mechanic In Germany Science in Sweden Religion In British Medical in Taiwan IV. Scholarship: to arrange for the Top grade level for each students To apply for the scholarship in Graduate School to Senior High School. To encourage them to study hard. V. Bee Station: For experiments of Food crisis well prepared. These five directions are our FOUNDATION main work direction. Below is Big Cloud Buddha Religion Vision Big Cloud Buddha vision of Religion I like Religion, because Religion make people have home feeling. Religion also make people have reliable feeling, just like you found your dearest, nothing you cannot tell, any confidential secret you all will whisper to Him or Her. Religion charming is its really incredible strength, it will pull you out from your sorrow, to melt your sad and pain. Religion really deeply can make you drunk for Him or Her, and fascinated for Him or Her, would rather offering your whole life and time, even offering all what you have, you won’t care. Only ask can be a disciple for Him or Her, then you feel “Yes” , that’s what you chase for. . . If you have interest, you can search google in “Big Cloud Buddha. ”, then you can find a “Big Cloud Buddha Blog” introduce about Big Cloud Buddha. (written in Nov 25,2020) Big Cloud Buddha Foundation: Add: No.31, Lane 131, Sec 1, Han Chow S. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan Tel: 886-2-2395-2030, 886-2-2394-1232 Cell: 886-915-625-022 Email: bigcloudbuddha@gmail.com Website: twitter:新佛教@LNhPK4Z2saHQHS Copy Right Reserved from 2017 Blog Written Started

