2019年6月18日 星期二

Shakymuni “Empty”Stage

Lunar Aug 15,2018, Shakymuni came back to speak with us. We found he’s quite helpful to Big Cloud Buddha. And later, we started to refix his memory body. That was clean his guilty requests
, clean hell, one of request hurt his brain and body and also clean Hsuwenshen body and brain.

Both of them all cleaned and guilty less, but Shakymuni still didn’t give up to suicide Big Cloud Buddha.

And on Sep 28, 2018, he cannot help to suicide himself. He yelled he cannot stand to be Animal any more. So he suicide himself. (According to 尸棄˙Buddha described because he did accept his teaching to change to be Air, and later easy to control the environment) So, because Shakymuni already was Animal Ghost, after he suicide again, he only became Animal Ghost Air. That was what we described dirty air 髒空氣. Before this moment, he was a small deer.

I was crying for his doing, suicide again. And all of sudden, he became air, cannot see any Animal body any more.

This was record by Big Cloud Buddha.

All Copy Right reserved.

